The Menacing Phantom (January 21, 2000)


TAFKAW came across some Wing Commander mentions in the recent editions of the German PC Gamer:
1/2000:Award: most unnoticed film premiereImagine, the directing debut of Wing Commander creator Chris Robertsenters the American cinemas - and nobody goes to see it. Everybody iswaiting for Star Wars Episode 1. Result: Wing commander - The Movieflops. The film opens in Germany on 23/12/992/2000:Freelancer:Will there be FMV in Freelancer?Oh god, no! Chris roberts has learnt from the crappy Wing Commander movie and now uses 3D characters. What's the difference between Freelancer and Wing Commander? Freelancer is much, much bigger and doesn't attach you to linear missions. It actually reminds you more of a mix between ultima online and privateer.
And in 2025 we'll find out of Freelancer can live up to the hype...

Original update published on January 21, 2000
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