The Hardest thing you had to do in Wing Commander??

I can't choose. I just can't choose. Destruction of the 'Claw, death of Mariko, then stupid death of that mandarine girl, then Angel killed by Thrakhath, then goin' after Hobbes (can't kill a friend, and can't let him go), and so on, and so forth...

The most fresh, and most stupid, is Blair's unneeded heroic flight to Nephilim portal station...

I can't choose.

But it's Wing Commander, guys. It's made so good it's no wander that the hardest moment is so hard to choose :-)
The only time he would be scripted to die is during the Kilrah missions where each time you get closer to the final mission a wingman is scripted to die.
Well, technically not specifically, they're scripted to be destroyed, but I've always thought that they were picked up by the Kilrathi, much like Blair was.

Besides, if you take Maniac with you on the last mission, he can't die because he shows up in the next game (along with Vagabond)
I can't choose. I just can't choose. Destruction of the 'Claw, death of Mariko, then stupid death of that mandarine girl, then Angel killed by Thrakhath, then goin' after Hobbes (can't kill a friend, and can't let him go), and so on, and so forth...

The most fresh, and most stupid, is Blair's unneeded heroic flight to Nephilim portal station...

I can't choose.

But it's Wing Commander, guys. It's made so good it's no wander that the hardest moment is so hard to choose :-)
Exactly, Wing Commander did an amazing job of making you connect with the characters and care for them enough that there were a lot of hard moments in the game when characters had to die or they turned traitor.

That's the mark of good cinema, getting you to care about characters who don't actually exist.
Well, technically not specifically, they're scripted to be destroyed, but I've always thought that they were picked up by the Kilrathi, much like Blair was.

Besides, if you take Maniac with you on the last mission, he can't die because he shows up in the next game (along with Vagabond)

By "die" I meant be destroyed, as in they do not proceed to the next mission. In the novel "Heart of the Tiger" Maniac ejects right before Blair reaches the surface of Kilrah. Vagabond also ejects at an earlier point.
By "die" I meant be destroyed, as in they do not proceed to the next mission. In the novel "Heart of the Tiger" Maniac ejects right before Blair reaches the surface of Kilrah. Vagabond also ejects at an earlier point.
Way to spoil the end! I'm reading through the novel right now!

J/K, I've read it at least 5 or 6 times now, so no worries