The guys hand in WC1


Rear Admiral
Hey, urm, i don't post here very often, infact ive only ever posted here once b4 but i was hoping u could help me..
i was looking though the news archive at and noticed two pics from the pilots hand animation file from wc1, one were the guy is sticking his middle finger up and one were he is giving the thumbs up, the pics are on this page

I was just wondering if it was actually possible to get the guy to do this in the game?
I was reading the old press release for "sqadron" on the CIC and it says that they had originally planned to have the pilot pushing buttons and stuff, maybe its a failed attempt at something like that, shame they didn't put in in the game as it would have been cool...
Looked funny, although I can't imagine shy, timid, WC1 Blair throwing rude gestures at the Kilrathi, even if they were the enemy.
"Looked funny, although I can't imagine shy, timid, WC1 Blair throwing rude gestures at the Kilrathi, even if they were the enemy."

Huh, maybe, but technically it wasn't Blair was it, it was you, or me ,or whoever. We didn't 'become' blair untill wing 3...

Oh dear, I hope i havn't just stirred up and issue about WC Canon...
Ah but when i played KS i could have entered my own name, so i could argue that the 'player charecter' in the Wing Commander Games is not Blair, he is me. But I wont...
Are you talking to me? if so no, I'm not carl, my name is, urm, Benjamin, as it says over there <-, While your here though LOAF id like to say (to you and all the other staff members) how much i enjoy visiting the CIC, its a truly fantastic site, keep up the good work!!
Hehehe, Carl LaFong was Blair's "original" name... from the WC1/2 official guide. :)

Thanks for the kind words!
Which makes it interesting, in that Blair must have some weird guy that follows him around and does pretty much the exact same things!