Target leading in turret AI... how??


I would like to mod my game so that the turret AI leads the target when it shoots. To be honest, I can't see how turrets are at all useful without target leading - they will only hit their target if the target it flying straight and level and directrly towards/away from you.

Anyways, I added "Autotracking" to the turret_medium_XXX_gun entries, and that seems to work as advertised, but the turrets don't seem to inherit the parent ship's scanner. So, while the autotracking works, the autotracking "cone" is extremely small and there is no lead target indicator when in a turret. So while autotracking works, the turret guns still won't lead their target.

How would I go about adding a different scanner to a turret? Or, is there an easier way to make turrets lead their targets properly?

Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.
we're considering removing the turret AI...but remember--us letting you fire turrets with an AI is a bonus you never had before--- hop in the turrets and lead 'em yourself
I really hope you guys don't remove the turret AI from the final version. You could make turret AI an option from the setup menu.

I really think that properly functioning player turret AI could add a lot to the game - primarily by making the Galaxy a viable ship.

Also - I am finding some parts of this game amazingly difficult - especially going after Kilrathi ships or getting swarmed by anyone's ships. I was able to kill a Kilrathi capital ship but I can't shoot down a Dralthi!! Also - I remember being able to use afterburner (on the Centurion) in the original game to outrun almost everyone. Now it seems like the Kilrathi and Confed can gun their afterburners and shoot at you full blast indefinitely!

So, in a nutshell I think that better turret AI could add to the game by making other ship choices more viable (Galaxy and Orion) and by helping ease what seems to me the increased difficulty of the remake.
off the top of my head, the stiletto should be able to chase youd own and then some. no civvie ship is going to be better than a military ship.

i'll give you a pilot tip too. if you're running flat out, switch to your rear turret and keep the burners lit and spray space down behind. it'll keep the hounds at bay. (thats on a centurion or orion). And just keep goin. The Dralthi was a pain in the butt in the original too. The worst was when you're jumped by 5 Gothri. hope to god you can nail one or two on the first pass, or you're done for. Doesn't matter what ship you're in, its a fight for you life everytime.