Suspected Most Expensive Wing Commander Auction Ended (January 17, 2000)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
This may be the most expensive auction for a WC item yet (and it wasn't on eBay!). Jason Billingsly brought to our attention a very high-priced auction at It comes as no surprise it's for Kilrathi Saga. The final price was $335.00 US and there were 14 bids. The initial starting price was $9.99 US. You can find the details for this auction here. Also, an AuctionRover search shows 125 Wing Commander auctions net-wide. The market's pretty hot. A couple KS auctions have gone over $300 in the past, so if you have a record of one even more expensive than this, be sure to let us know.

Original update published on January 17, 2000
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