Stuck in WC 3 mission Arcor 1


I'm slightly embarassed to ask this, since I already managed this mission over ten years ago (so this might be due to senility):

In the WC 3 mission Arcor 1, your first task is to defend the Sheffield from several waves of attackers (3 Corvettes, 1 Corvette + 4 Vaktoth, 8 Darkets).

The Corvettes are no problem, but the Vaktoth are spawned very close to the Sheffield and fire missiles immediately. If the destroyer survives this, it is then killed by the Darkets, which Hobbes and me can't kill fast enough.

Did I miss something? Do you have to keep one or two Vaktoth alive until the Sheffield regenerates it's shields?

If the Sheffield dies, I can continue the mission, but no enemy shoes up at the other nav-points and the only way back to TCS Victory is by ejecting.

Pleas help !
I was right to feel embarrassed:

A) I had to kill the fourth corvette (the one from the second wave). Then the Sheffield jumps. Until now I had ignored it, since the Vaktoth seemed more of a threat ...

B) The reason for no enemies showing up at the other nav-points was simple: I just jumped there. I should have moved a couple of klicks towards the jump point ...

Sorry! Senility has definitely set in already ...
I think a person's video game prime is at about age 14. It's all downhill after that, which makes me WAY over the hill. :)
McGruff said:
I think a person's video game prime is at about age 14. It's all downhill after that, [...] :)

For me you can reverse the digits and add 3 ... :)

You're absolutely right, teens rule the gaming world. Anyway, I was still able to reproduce my WC 1+2 score of well over a thousand kills (obviously including the SM and SO) from 15 years ago.
For this mission I reccommend that you fly the Arrow, which will give you two extra missiles and the extra speed and agility to get to where you need to be, when you need to be there. Proper use of the autoslide should make the corvettes easy enough to handle, and you should go for the Vaktoths as soon as they spawn, using all of your missiles on them.