Storm of War: Battle of Britain


Vice Admiral
Has anyone been following the development of this game? I think it is going to be one of the most significant flight simulator games of this decade.

The majority of the staff working on the game were responsible for the successful IL-2 flight sim. I've been looking at their aircraft models and environment previews and have largely been in awe. You can tell that there is really a love for the aircraft being exhibited by the programmers and the developers. I'm sure there are quite a few aircraft fans here, so I urge you all to check this game out. (Look at the clouds evolve as the weather changes in flight...)

I'm not going to lie - I think a part of me wonders what it would be like to watch a Wing Commander game develop in much the same way... Imagine a space nebulae evolving like those clouds as a lone Hellcat V punches a whole right through the middle while chasing a cat...