Steltek gun


Rear Admiral
Just how poweful is the steltek gun? Are there any stats on it? I'm also curious how in Privateer the EMP thingies work. I was never sure if they were passive or if you had to activate them. Another thing is when I have my Centurion ship with a turret, does that turret ever fire automatically? It just seems like it never does unless I go back there and fire it myself.
There are some stats for it floating on an old thread some one pointed. The EMP things are automagical, they increase your chance (probably per second) of evading missiles.

As far as I can tell, the turrets are NOT automatic, that really pissed me off back then. you have to man one of them... That's what I concluded by playing the game. If they are auto, they really suck.
I´m quite sure that the turrets are not auto(magical)matic. :D
It always made me laugh thinking of a pilot (in a centurion) running backwards and forwards in his craft alternately manning the guns at the front and the rear turret!
I usually let the arse take care of itself and killed everything in front of me. :D
In WC2 and WC3/4, the turrets did act on their own, but they sucked for accuracy. (IIRC, in WC2 the firing turret was indicated on the ship status VDU.)
Yeah Death, I think they flashed red or some color when they fired. They didn't fire all that fast either, about as quick as your wingman in WC1, flry around in big circles and big figure eights and firing of a shot. Took them a while to kill pretty much anything. Same with the turrets, they were useless unless you used them.

Speaking of WC turrets why couldn't your auto turrets be as deadly as the enemies. Wait I know the answer, its more fun when you kill the enemy.
Not only the T-bolt, but the Paktahn's 2-MD turret will rip you a new, fairly large asshole if you're not careful. And, of course, we can't forget that damn tachyon turret on the ass-end of WC3 kat corvettes, or the 2 neutron guns in the WC2 Grikath's turret, both of which had a tendancy to slap me around like a bitch.
I never liked the Jalkehi's (WC2) rear neutron turrets very much either, esp. after loosing all my fore armor in a ram. Had to always try hitting from above or the sides.
According to LOAF's gun chart, the unboosted Steltek gun does 10.0 cm of damage per shot (compared to 10.0 cm for the Tachyon cannon), while the boosted Steltek gun does 19.0 cm of damage per shot, and has slightly faster refire.

As I understand it, the Electronic Counter-Measure units have a fixed chance (25, 50, or 75% depending on the model) of spoofing an enemy missile's target lock the moment that it is fired. If the spoof attempt fails, it will not have another chance to spoof the same missile, so all you can do is hit the afterburners and try to dodge it (easy in a Centurion, but very hard in a Tarsus).

Privateer turrets, unfortunately, do not autofire. Within the WC universe, it is implied that Confed turrets have human gunners (many mentions of turret gunners are made in WC2). However, in Privateer, you are flying solo, which means that there is nobody else to man the turret. It does suck, though, that your turrets don't autofire--it takes away half of the benefit of having guns on the rear of your ship if you have to abandon steering your ship in order to use them.
That's why the Galaxy's ability of having more than on turret was pretty useless.
I also hate the Vaktoth's turret. Mesons are nasty.

The Pakhtan is really tough to kill, you have to keep making passes, unlike onther enemy targets.
Ijuin said:
(...) It does suck, though, that your turrets don't autofire--it takes away half of the benefit of having guns on the rear of your ship if you have to abandon steering your ship in order to use them.

And the other half is taken away by the fact that you don't have a radar. ;)

BTW, I found WC2 turret gunners to be quite more useful than in WC3. I very rarely used turrets in WC3 - but against the Pakthan and Sorthak it's a pain.
hmm... the great saving grace of WC2 turrets is that they fired what were for the time brutal salvos. Swarmed by light fighters, keep dodging and let em do the work, tailed by heavies and just love the fast-firing white river of death, swarmed by strakha fire randomly and watch the explosions as cloaked ships die. ;)

The great bit about tailguns in Priv was running away. I think you could still afterburn and control that gun, so you could smack any pursuers in the face with longrange weapons and increase the distance, great for when you know there's an asteroid field coming up and you need the extra few seconds. When your rich, though... pair o' tachs and rip into the damn talons.
Mekt-Hakkikt said:
BTW, I found WC2 turret gunners to be quite more useful than in WC3. I very rarely used turrets in WC3 - but against the Pakthan and Sorthak it's a pain.

Having side turrets was a major part of what saved the Broadsword--sure, you didn't have any afterburners, but with the side turrets, you were effectively firing in all directions at once. When fighting against opponents more nimble than yourself, it was quite effective--I have often had an enemy Sathra, Drakhri, or Strakha shot down by my turrets on a Broadsword mission.

In WC3/4, the main benefit of your turret is to keep enemies from staying on your tail, rather than to damage them. However, I found the Longbow's turret highly useful against Strakhas, which tend to cloak when you turn to face them head-on.
WC3 turrets were auto, not manned. There's a referrence to it in the HOTT novel.

Anyone remember getting a solid dose of a Sorthak's turrets? Quad mesons firing in a constant stream. You might pass through it quickly without too much hurt, but linger in the crosshairs for more than but a second, and you're gonna come out with a bloody nose for Mama Rachael to patch up . . . if you come out at all.

Avenger's MD turrets in wc4. Ouch.
WC3 turrets were auto, not manned. There's a referrence to it in the HOTT novel.

Are you sure? I did a text search for turret and didn't come up with anything. There's a point in the TPoF novel where Blair flies a Thunderbolt with a computer-operated turret... but it's also mentioned that he's only doing so because there wasn't time to assign a gunner to the ship.
Back to the original topic, these are the Steltek gun specs from the Privateer Playtester's Guide:

Steltek Gun-
Range: 3,995 m
Damage: 10 cm
Refire: .45 sec
Energy: 10 GJ
Abuse: Very High

Steltek Gun (Boosted)-
Range: 5,000 m
Damage: 19 cm
Refire: .37 sec
Energy: 8 GJ
Abuse: Very High

The 'abuse' statistic is specific to Privateer; it defines the chances that a gun will be destroyed once you start taking hull damage (in the case of the Steltek gun, it's near-impossible to lose the weapon).