State your 1st and 2nd


Now I know I've asked before which Wing Commander is your favorite game but now let's also see what your first and second game is....
And also state your two favorite characters. My two favorite games are #1: Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom, #2: Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi. My two fav characters are #1: Maniac, #2: Maestro

I fight on the side of peace and honor, just like Blair
There's been a whole lot of threads like this in the past, but since I always like yelling about how WC 2 is better than WC 4...

1. Vengeance of the Kilrathi!!!
2. Wing Commander (1), The Price of Freedom.

1. Uh... Weaver (
)? No, I guess that's not permitted. That being the case, I guess... Our Prince Thrakhath!
2. Paladin.
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Nu, yo suk bcaus wC for is MUCH BUTURR THOn WC to.

Look, Ma! I gots this here in-ter-net thingumy a-workin', dagnammit! Now I can be a
moron and no one can stop me!!

[This message has been edited by Earthworm (edited February 23, 2000).]
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Hey man don't act stupid I don't want this post getting closed

I fight on the side of peace and honor, just like Blair
Eagle: he asked for your favorite TWO WC games, not favorite THREE! If you want to post your favorite three WC games open up your own favorite three WC games thread!! This is strictly a TWO favorite WC games thread! you got it !?

Now that I got that off my chest, my TWO favorite WC games are:
1. WC2
2. WC4
My TWO favorite characters are:
1. Maniac (but only after WC3)
2. Doomsday

You see? that`s easy, 1, 2, and that`s it.
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1. Price of Freedom
2. Heart of the Tiger

Characters (difficult one!):
1. Dekker or Tolwyn
2. Angel or Maniac

No one will hear your cry of death in the void of space
1) Wing Commander Prophecy
2) Wing Commander Armada

1) Spyder "Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot, over"
2) Maniac "What're you? My mother?"

Sometimes I wish that Zero would realize his gun HAS a camera!
I guess we should congratulate Anagram for making some original choices in his list of games. Armada: Proving Grounds was indeed some of the best fighting I'd ever done, since I was up against real people. Which meant that when I tried a Dralthi against a Banshee, I actually got blasted into kitty litter
. But that's ok... I paid 'im back in my Jrathek
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Thanks, Quarto.

Sometimes I wish that Zero would realize his gun HAS a camera!
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1st WC4, 2nd WC2. It’s not because WC4 looks much better, some of you probably know that I don’t care that much about the graphics, but the fact that you could chose your ship/missiles/wingman, and sometimes even missions you’re going to fly really made the game stand out for me. And of course who could forget the choices you get to make during conversations.

Oh, and my favorite characters are Jukaga, JUKAGA, and Hobes. Those two are perfect examples of Kilrathi IMO. Jukaga was loyal to his race, and Hobes was a loyal honorable Kilrathi.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton

[This message has been edited by Earthworm (edited February 24, 2000).]
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1st: WCIV: Price of Freedom
2nd: WCIII: Heart of the Tiger

1st: Panther (easy to look at)
2nd: Flint (same reason as above)
3rd: Rachel (i love her atitude)
1)WC IV: the price of freedom
2)WC II: vengeance of the Kilrathi

1)Damn, difficult! Blair or Maniac, Blair or Maniac,...
hgn...Maniac! (during WC2 and WC4,...okay, prophecy too)

The time is near.
There are still quite a few days remaining.

I don't care for fame, power or money...
I just want to FIGHT!
-Sanosuke Sagara
Roknor-which attitude are you refering to? The one before her 3 marriages and 3 devorces or after?
And, um why?
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I thought some people didn't consider Priv a real part of the WC series since it is in its own series...

Sorry I messed up the thread
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