Star Wars Empire at War Video


Mr Kat says...
There first video from Star Wars Empire at War is online. It's a 3m:36s Quicktime file (28.3MB) available at 3DGamers showing gameplay footage from the game, including two space battles and a ground engagement, complete with Darth Vader and the Death Star.

The gameplay looks fairly polished, particularly the space battles. Hopefully the game/engine will be very moddable, as it would seem to suit a number of other Sci-Fi franchises as well, including Wing Commander.





3DGamers have just posted a new trailer from LucasArts. It's a 70.5MB Quicktime file (2m:17s) and can be downloaded here

Some screens from the new trailer:





Hmm, when was the last time anyone made a good strategy game for Star Wars?

Oh, that's right, never :p.

It does look good, but in this case, it would be prudent to wait until the reviews are in ;).
There are some reviews at IGN and Gamespot already, they all seem to think it is turning out great, and from what I've read about it's features, I agree.
This could possibly be the best star wars game ever and thats saying something as i spent months playing KOTOR 1+2!!!!!!!
Sarty said:
There are some reviews at IGN and Gamespot already, they all seem to think it is turning out great, and from what I've read about it's features, I agree.

Do you mean reviews or previews? I thought this game wasn't gonna be out for a while.
Space and ground battles in on engine seems to be at least a very ambitious project. Also from the looks I kinda doubt there will be a decent multiplayer. I'd guess for heavy scripting?
There are three RTS games for Star Wars, and none of them are really THAT bad, though Galactic Battlegrounds is just Ages of Empire with a new skin.

Force Commander is really quite an interesting game if you play through it, because NO attempt at balance was made in the game. All the Rebel Vehicles are ten times as much as the Imperial Ones, but come equip with shields, however they are never quite as powerful. However, the Rebel Troopers are cheaper and can accomplish much more. An interesting note is that this game requires NO resourcing, as all your reinforcements and what you can and can't "requisition" to help you on the battle field is determined by your favour with your superiors...control territory, get more favor, get more troops. Win battles, get more favor, get more troops. It makes it more combat oriented, though the max unit limits in this game are fairly conservative.

Rebellion is fun if you like more Strategic RTS games then tactical ones. It hands you the galaxy to command at will, though it's limited combat engine leaves much to be desired, the buckle down fun of the game cannot be denied, this game is still popular in the circles I travel in.