Star*Soldier Continuity & Reference Breakdown

Another thing... "F-10 Merlin: Glory over Peron"... Nice

Another one... "you certainly won’t find a holographic viewscope or a Merlin computer here."

The Merlin is from the movie, right?

I think it was mentioned in the movie novel as the fighter model Blair's father was flying when he was killed but you never actually see one.
I think it was mentioned in the movie novel as the fighter model Blair's father was flying when he was killed

Merlin was Blair's little hologram buddy, like an interactive, holographic PDA. He was suppose to be the comic relief for the movie but they had to cut the idea out due to budgetary reasons (though he's left intact in the novelization). Merlin was given a much lesser role as the starfighter computer AI, voiced by Mark Hamill.
Its great to see that EA is giving the Wing Commander
community some credit here. With out us ,Chris, Bandit and so forth
Wing Commander might not be trying to make this come back.

Its EA's little way of giving back.
This line is given in the description of the guy who wrote the Dralthi article - E. Vieito, Spaceflight Historian -

A definite reference to Mr. Standoff - Eder Vieito...
Maybe they're taking a jab at the fact that Standoff has no Dralthis. :p
Some small things I wanted to ask or I noticed:

- It seems like N'Tanya (now Natanya) has left the Kilrathi Assembly of Clans (from the WCU map) and is now part of the UBW (page 22 of the manual). When they say "N'Tanya was one of the first star systems to break away from the Kilrathi Empire"- do they reference to the events in SO1? Or a later breakaway from the Assembly (post 2681)? But since it says "Empire", I guess they mean the events in SO 1.

- Is the Hope sector an entirely new sector from Arena? Because I seem to remember it being mentioned before but I can't remember where...

- For the English native speaker: page 47, timeline entry 2669.322, second paragraph: "Following his death, an overwhelming percentage of Kilrathi survivors, commit Zu'kara..."
Now does is simply mean that a lot Kilrathi did commit suicide or that the majority of the Kilrathi did it? I was rather shocked when I read that. Poor misunderstood Kilrathi, near to extinction! And then all the racism and mistreatment! :sad:

- Nephilim ships: the silhouettes on page 33 show three unkwown Nephilim ships, right? Two fighters/bombers (above the Moray and below the Lamprey) and one support craft (in the middle).
The Hydra-class cruiser is shown twice, in different positions - or should we take it as a new class as well?
From the entry on the Dralthi Rhino,( p. 10) we know that a new ship class is "Puffer-class". From the looks, I'd say it's the fighter/bomber below the Lamprey, but who knows.
- For the English native speaker: page 47, timeline entry 2669.322, second paragraph: "Following his death, an overwhelming percentage of Kilrathi survivors, commit Zu'kara..."
Now does is simply mean that a lot Kilrathi did commit suicide or that the majority of the Kilrathi did it? I was rather shocked when I read that. Poor misunderstood Kilrathi, near to extinction! And then all the racism and mistreatment!
I would say "overwhelming" does imply a majority in this case. It can be interpreted in various ways, though - I'm sure that if they were to establish in a future product that it was, for example, 25%, we'd all still agree that when a quarter of an entire race kills itself, that's pretty overwhelming. Still, it sounds like they mean most of the race - otherwise, the way the Kilrathi were treated subsequently probably wouldn't be possible.
That'd be pretty heavy. They'd be like the Hari - damn copycats. ;)

On the other hand, if so many Kilrathi killed themselves, there should be plenty of room for them, yet they talk a lot about misplaced Kilrathi and reservations.
Just out of curiosity, how do you guys think the Assembly would hold itself together with so many dead? I know it's just quick speculation, but looking at a map it doesn't take much to put together that controling that much space may well be impossible with a quarter of the original population (which some of it in reservations as well). Think the lines are just drawn as a formaility despite newly-developed Confed supremacy, or are there sufficient Kilrathi forces to actually defend all that space in your opinions? Now that I think about it, I can't remember if Star*Soldier elaborates on the subject... *goes back to check*
They are Kats!

they are born SIX at a time!

if they won't have so many dead, they'd have to start worrying about to many living...
- It seems like N'Tanya (now Natanya) has left the Kilrathi Assembly of Clans (from the WCU map) and is now part of the UBW (page 22 of the manual). When they say "N'Tanya was one of the first star systems to break away from the Kilrathi Empire"- do they reference to the events in SO1? Or a later breakaway from the Assembly (post 2681)? But since it says "Empire", I guess they mean the events in SO 1.

I think you're right here - this is referring to Special Operations 1.

- Is the Hope sector an entirely new sector from Arena? Because I seem to remember it being mentioned before but I can't remember where...

Hope Sector was one of two sectors in which Privateer Online (2nd Attempt) was to take place. It was a newly discovered sector being settled around the time of Arena.

- For the English native speaker: page 47, timeline entry 2669.322, second paragraph: "Following his death, an overwhelming percentage of Kilrathi survivors, commit Zu'kara..."
Now does is simply mean that a lot Kilrathi did commit suicide or that the majority of the Kilrathi did it? I was rather shocked when I read that. Poor misunderstood Kilrathi, near to extinction! And then all the racism and mistreatment! :sad:

This background was actually created for Wing Commander IV, to help explain what Melek's convoy was doing. These entries appear in Origin's 1995 Wing Commander Bible timeline.

... it also helps to explain why the casualty figure on the Kilrathi side during the war was *so high*.

- Nephilim ships: the silhouettes on page 33 show three unkwown Nephilim ships, right? Two fighters/bombers (above the Moray and below the Lamprey) and one support craft (in the middle).The Hydra-class cruiser is shown twice, in different positions - or should we take it as a new class as well? From the entry on the Dralthi Rhino,( p. 10) we know that a new ship class is "Puffer-class". From the looks, I'd say it's the fighter/bomber below the Lamprey, but who knows.

The double-Hydra is a gentle dig at Wing Commander Prophecy Gold, which reuses art of the Hydra as the "Marlin" on the inside-box-flap.

The spikey fighter is probably a Puffer-class ship - after all, the Nephilim ships are generally named (by Confed) after marine life they resemble.

Just out of curiosity, how do you guys think the Assembly would hold itself together with so many dead? I know it's just quick speculation, but looking at a map it doesn't take much to put together that controling that much space may well be impossible with a quarter of the original population (which some of it in reservations as well). Think the lines are just drawn as a formaility despite newly-developed Confed supremacy, or are there sufficient Kilrathi forces to actually defend all that space in your opinions? Now that I think about it, I can't remember if Star*Soldier elaborates on the subject... *goes back to check*

Well, we don't really know how the assembly holds up ordinarily. As best we can tell from all the post-war sources, the former Empire is a mess of interconnecting Civil Wars. the Assembly of Clans is just the political group that Confed has decided is in charge.
I think you're right here - this is referring to Special Operations 1.

Then we only need to find out when N'Tanya switched to the UBW. It's interesting, but the universe in 2701 really seems like falling apart. More systems leaving the Confederation, systems leaving the UBW, declaring independance. The Nephilim invasion sure did a lot of trouble.
Although, the timeline offers a lot of example of civil unrest within the TC, even during the war.

Hope Sector was one of two sectors in which Privateer Online (2nd Attempt) was to take place. It was a newly discovered sector being settled around the time of Arena.

Ahhh, thanks. What about the Pleiades Sector mentioned on the timeline entry "2645-2653"? Is he from POL too? Though he wouldn't really be newly discovered then.

This background was actually created for Wing Commander IV, to help explain what Melek's convoy was doing. These entries appear in Origin's 1995 Wing Commander Bible timeline.

... it also helps to explain why the casualty figure on the Kilrathi side during the war was *so high*.

Oh, ok. Just read the bible again, a lot of the things there are in the timeline now.

So, would you say that overwhelming percentage really does mean the majority?

The double-Hydra is a gentle dig at Wing Commander Prophecy Gold, which reuses art of the Hydra as the "Marlin" on the inside-box-flap.

Ok. I remember that image, it's pretty.

The spikey fighter is probably a Puffer-class ship - after all, the Nephilim ships are generally named (by Confed) after marine life they resemble.

Guess so too.

Well, we don't really know how the assembly holds up ordinarily. As best we can tell from all the post-war sources, the former Empire is a mess of interconnecting Civil Wars. the Assembly of Clans is just the political group that Confed has decided is in charge.

I guess the former Empire is even more falling apart than the TC, what with the Murragh Empire, Qarg fiefdom, the Anchorage system in the hand of that torturer...

Even more questions - it's great to have new things to discuss!

The entry 2649.189, about that planned invasion of Kilrah - what happenend to it? Or is it the attack that led to Custer's Carnival?

2669.221: what is that entry all about? I found it in the Bible as well but has it any further bearing than being an anecdote? My first thought was a nod to the WCATV episode "The most delicate instrument".

2669.242: the liberation of Cabrea: isn't it also in one of the TCN newsflash, cut from WC3?

I also thought it interesting that apparently Melek wasn't the first choice as a representative but M'ragrakath nar Hhallas was until his fatal accident.

And a maybe dumb question but who assassinated M'ragrakath? First I thought a Kilrathi, thinking him a traitor or so. But if it was a Kilrathi, why should the TC do an "effort to ease tensions"? That phrase, so I thought, would be more fitting if a human (oder Confederation citizen) had killed M'ragrakath.
Oh, ok. Just read the bible again, a lot of the things there are in the timeline now.

So, would you say that overwhelming percentage really does mean the majority?

I would err on the side of caution here. I don't think we can really read into that statement as "a majority of kilrathi commited suicide."

It simply means a very great number. It's a significant portion of the population though.
Ahhh, thanks. What about the Pleiades Sector mentioned on the timeline entry "2645-2653"? Is he from POL too? Though he wouldn't really be newly discovered then.

That's an obscure one! The Pleiades Sector is where Wing Commander Academy (TV) takes place... according to the WCATV series bible. Adding it to the canon renders my own map of the Landreich Sector incorrect...

So, would you say that overwhelming percentage really does mean the majority?

Completely up to future interpretation. More importantly, I think it suggests that the Kilrathi are significantly different from humans - especially in how their lifecycles work.

The entry 2649.189, about that planned invasion of Kilrah - what happenend to it? Or is it the attack that led to Custer's Carnival?

I think that's right, it leads to Custer's Carnival which then halts Confed's advance. That actual entry comes from the Super Famicom version of Wing Commander I's manual.

2669.221: what is that entry all about? I found it in the Bible as well but has it any further bearing than being an anecdote? My first thought was a nod to the WCATV episode "The most delicate instrument".

2669.242: the liberation of Cabrea: isn't it also in one of the TCN newsflash, cut from WC3?

Both of these events are from WC3 newsbriefs.

And a maybe dumb question but who assassinated M'ragrakath? First I thought a Kilrathi, thinking him a traitor or so. But if it was a Kilrathi, why should the TC do an "effort to ease tensions"? That phrase, so I thought, would be more fitting if a human (oder Confederation citizen) had killed M'ragrakath.

Not a dumb question, but also not one we can answer. :) Like a lot of things in this manual, it's designed for future storytellers to fill in details...