Standoff Patches for 2010


Rear Admiral
Hey Guys

I read a post (forget which one) where I think Quarto mentioned about adding another patch for Standoff in 2010. Now I understand that the project is more or less completed but I'm interested to know what changes this patch might have. Is it simple stuff like bug squashing or are you intending to tweak some of the missions, story, cutscenes etc?
It's simple bug squashing (and finishing off the sim - not all the missions connect up with the scoreboard yet). We don't intend to tweak any missions or cutscenes or anything like that - there's certainly a lot that could be done better, but we don't want to spend the rest of our lives tweaking Standoff ;).
It's simple bug squashing (and finishing off the sim - not all the missions connect up with the scoreboard yet). We don't intend to tweak any missions or cutscenes or anything like that - there's certainly a lot that could be done better, but we don't want to spend the rest of our lives tweaking Standoff ;).

You take the point.
I look forward to the patch, especially because of the Sim Missions.
But folks, that's not to say that you can't modify Standoff yourself, including adding missions. With a little education from some of the modding threads on this board, and some online tutorials on how to mod Secret Ops, it's not too tricky to get used to - and the Standoff producers all seem to welcome this sort of tinkering :)

I'm currently working on three new missions for Standoff, obviously they won't be official Standoff missions because I'm nothing to do with the production team, but I'll certainly share them as a download package (won't be until the Summer that I've got them polished.)

I've currently got the first one about half-way complete, you can expect a scramble mission to head out to the Tarawa in time to save her from a dozen Vaktoth, two corvettes and a Fralthi...with the aid of some Landreich Hornets and possibly flying a Thunderbolt depending on how well my cockpit art improves these next few months.
That's great. Be sure to let us know how the missions are progressing and post new screenshots that you have.
Yeah, that's excellent - I'm extremely glad to see people put Standoff data to this kind of use.
About this patch, how much time is there before release? My brother was supposedly putting together a list of various bugs, typographical errors, and reproducible crashes. I really should encourage him to forward the ones he's found to you so you can see if you can fix any of them in time for the last patch.
We've still got some work to do, but the sooner he could forward his list the better. Then I can start adding them to our bug list.
There's quite a bit of time, because I haven't had time to work on Standoff bugs for the past couple of months.
Thanks guys, yeah for sure I'll keep you all updated - I keep hitting certain walls, most of which I can work around, for instance, for a while the Firekka kept showing up on the ISIS as 'Alien Ship Killer' :D

Quarto, may I ask the platform you used to render the cockpit struts?
There's quite a bit of time, because I haven't had time to work on Standoff bugs for the past couple of months.

Wow I was at least trying to be discrete that we haven't done anything since release but I guess if you want to spill the beans :p
Discretion is the better part of valour. Or something. (:

Seriously, you all deserve the break. In fact, I would be willing to wait for quite a while, given that this patch should really only contain minor bug-fixes and polishing. Unless, of course, another show-stopping bug comes up. In which case, we'll all be pestering you once again. (:
Oh, I don't know about it being ok to wait - the fact that, half a year after release, we still haven't released a single, unified Episodes 1-5 package, and there is still a sim mission without scoreboard support, that's pretty embarassing.
Yeah but now I've finally got my own testing I can harass all the guys even more now because there is nothing to slow down my testing.

It's amazing how fast computers can be :p

Oh and of course my new testing machine has an NVidia card that doesn't like EL on, so they've got some stuff to fix just for me :p

But Q is right. We need to get this stuff over and done with so we can drive ourselves crazy with something newer...
That's not quite fair... I've been working on fixing bugs and crashes like crazy for a month after release :p

Ok well I meant since the last patch release...then my neighbor moved and took my testing machine we've been quiet since then....although you haven't responded to any of my emails or BZ reports lately :p
Oh, I don't know about it being ok to wait - the fact that, half a year after release, we still haven't released a single, unified Episodes 1-5 package, and there is still a sim mission without scoreboard support, that's pretty embarassing.

I can certainly sympathize with not following up on everything I planned to do August 10 and wondering where the last six months have gone. :)
We've still got some work to do, but the sooner he could forward his list the better. Then I can start adding them to our bug list.
Here you go. These are his words, unedited by me.

Standoff Bugs/Errors/Mistakes

Simulator Missions:

Wraith, Broadsword and Crossbow's Quick Kill score bonus (yellow text) gives the incorrect value

Kilrathi Gauntlet: none found

Confed Gauntlet: none found

The Q Ship
Tapping the afterburners slightly a few times, while flying within the 2000m radius sphere, fails the ambush

Rescue Support
No score for killing Gothri SAR
No score for destroying Fralthi

Fleet Assault
Rabaul Station's Nav Point is labelled Firekka Nav
The scores listed in the summary score for Wraith, Broadsword and Crossbow don't add up to the total

Escort Duties: none found

Kamekh Assault
The summary score does not list the points scored for killing the Kamekhs
Wingman lost penalty is -300 (which is larger than the -100 penalty in other simulator missions)

Convoy Escort
The Dralthi Mk. II version still gives the score summary at the end of the mission
Shok'lars in the Shok'lar version gives double points (Is this intended?)

Convoy Strike: none found

Blockade Run
The summary score does not list the points scored for killing Ralathra

Chapter 1:

Scrambling to Jump
The cutscene involving the conversation with Cougar doesn't seem to trigger if you restarted the mission, but it does trigger upon completing Nexus Sweep. This cutscene is supposed to follow the conversation with Capt. Graham

Jump Point Defence
When you return to the Jump Point after TCS Lionheart calls you for help, Freyers says the "Thanks, return to your patrol" line before the enemies are defeated <already reported>

Chapter 3 Winning Path:

Lashing Out
Extra Kilrathi ships when you destroyed (or not) the Snakeir at Snakeir Nav
If you did not destroy the Snakeir and return, there is a fatal error:
DB: CSFProgram::process (NavSnakeir) - tried to activate a non-existing object

Chapter 3 Losing Path:

There is an objective to defend the Drake. However, it is impossible for it to be destroyed as it is scripted to be invincible (because it is scripted to die in Making Way)

Chapter 5 Winning Path:

First Encounters / Stiletto Count
According to (my) ship report, I have 4 remaining Stilettos, but in flight, I count 5 Stilettos: Bradshaw, Trigger, Lynx, Junkie, Dragon <as reported earlier>. Perhaps start Chapter 5 with 6 Stilettos will solve this problem.


moretunes Crash
The games crashes within 2 minutes of typing the "moretunes" code. The crash does not appear in Secret Ops.
Wow...don't I feel like a terrible tester now for missing all those!

I'll start adding them to BZ this week.

Tell your brother much thanks Wedge!