Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
Several years ago we spotted a Spanish magazine that had a bizarre variant of the Wing Commander 3 cover in its review. At the time we wondered what would possess them to create such an odd photoshop. Then it started to appear in a few other places, which just deepened the mystery. And now we have a better clue about what happened! It was apparently a legitimate pre-visualization made before the final cover art, and it was circulated in limited fashion to certain regions like Spain before the box cover everyone knows and loves came to be. Here's LOAF with more:

Original update published on July 26, 2024
Folks, I owe a Spanish magazine an apology. They did NOT make their own Wing Commander III box... because here it is again in the digital catalog included with the demo. In fact, what we're looking at was the actual comp that preceded the final painting!

Original update published on July 26, 2024