Sound! Glorious Sound! In P1 with a SBLive!


Big thanks goes to John12 for the right switches on my emm386 line! You're a hero! (you can put that in your sig, if you like. it's the thing to do these days!)
my boot disk is below. i'm running win 98se, with a sblive value. Privateer 1 now works flawlessly!

one thing thing that kept my soundblaster emulation from working is an option in my bios. i have an asus cusl2 motherboard, and for dos sound i HAVE to set the "PNP OS" option to DISABLED. i wonder if something like this is keeping some of you other guys from succeeding?

i hope that this bit of info will help some of you guys.


devicehigh=c:\windows\emm386.exe 16384 D=64 /I=B000-B7FF RAM
dos=high, umb


@echo off
lh c:\windows\command\mscdex.exe /d:mscd001
set BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H5 P330 T6
SET CTSYN=C:\sbdos
lh c:\windows\smartdrv.exe 2048
lh c:\games\
set comspec=a:\

if i have left anything out that might help some of you, please let me know! Good luck and happy hunting!

thank you thank you thank you! ive been trying to get my privateer to run for almost 2 weeks solid. your boot disk has made my system finally accept this game. my sound isnt working but at least it ran! i have a sound blaster live and i tried your settings as much as i could and it said i have something wrong in my config.sys and to run my installation with no sound. so i did and it ran! right on, now everyone is happy cause i wont be posting 3 times a day! now on to the sound problem...
i'm not sure if i can help fix your sound problem, but i can give it a shot. first question: is the soundblaster emulation actually being enabled? it should say at the end of the boot. if it doesn't start, then you may have to go into the bios like i did. if it does start, then there are multiple reasons why it doesn't work. do you have any other dos games that you can also try? privateer seems to be a heck of a lot more fussy over different settings in the config.sys and autoexec.bat then any other i have encountered.

also, you said that there is an error with the config.sys? does it point to a line? that may be the last hurdle......
to awnser your question... no my sound blaster emulation does not start. it says
config file is incomplete
creative sb16 emulation driver NOT loading

what exactly am i looking for when in my bios???
for me, i had to set the option "PNP BIOS" to disable. Not completely sure why this made a difference but it did with me. it may not be the same with yours, but you never know. that option informs the bios if there is a plug-n-play operating system installed (which means, of course, windows 95 and up). what this means is that the bios won't bother looking for devices and identifying them, it lets windows do it (if that option is enabled). while the wording might be different in your particular bios, it is worth a try to look for something similar to that. I don't know if you do a lot of fiddling with your bios, but if you normally don't, then i don't recommend making a lot of changes without writing down what you have done. usually if you are not sure of the option or options that you are changing, you should change one at a time. just throwing that warning in there so you are careful not to toast your system.

now, this may not be a bios problem, but you never know. i never received any message except that "soundblaster emulation is not loaded" when the above bios option was set to enabled. i wonder if the switches in the emm386 line are not compatible with your system? if you have other dos games, you can try removing all of the switches except the RAM and see if you have any luck with the sound then. for me, i HAVE to have those switches otherwise sound doesn't work in privateer.

sorry for the long-winded post. i hope that i have produced *something* of use for you.

i didnt have this option: PNP BIOS? the closest thing i had to that was...
PCI config

-pci device slot 1
-pci device slot 2
-pci device slot 3
-pci device slot 4
-PCI /PNP ISA IRQ resorce exclusion

when i went to the link above, it had...

IRQ 3 avalible
IRQ 4 avalible
IRQ 5 avalible
IRQ 7 avalible
IRQ 9 avalible
IRQ 10 avalible
IRQ 11 avalible

thats it????
oh geez...nighthawk, you're right! i just saw that now. sorry bahamut! i hope that my mistake didn't take you out of the game for too long. i guess it pays to reread what you type, huh? D'OH!

Bahamut: have you had any luck lately? you have been strangely silent......:)
no such luck yet. ive read into getting sound blaster's emulation to work and i found out that some motherboards need to have the plug and play turned off. pretty much what you said. my bios dosnt have any options like that but you know how confusing some computers bios's are. i have a hewlett packard pavilion and i think that the good old people at HP didnt want the us messing with some of that stuff. so, it looks as though privateer sound wont find its way to my computer:eek: :( thanks for your guys help though. i will wait untill i can get my hands on an old computer.