Sound fading test 1.0 pre5

John Cordell

I simply want to know how far you need to be away from a fight that you don't hear any weapon fire. Don't you hear the shield and armor damage as well or don't they fade out with increasing distance?

Your experiences and OS please.
I cannot hear shield impact sounds at all past 1500 klicks. This is on Linux, though I do not remember having different results on windows, and I haven't seen that on my friend's windows machine.

The soundcard is probably just as important as the OS here. Mine is a soundblaster live 5.1.
WinXP, CMI9739A and latest drivers, Priv 1.0pre5 + enhancement + hud patch.
I can't hear shooting farther than 3000 klicks, but I can hear shield damage and explosions that are from over 15000 klicks distance. I tried to adjust the volume variable in config file but it only seemed to effect shooting.