Ship size comparison


Anyone else notice the extreme size differences between ships latter in the games? The Ranger has only 40 fighters but is bigger than the Bengal? So are both the Hades and Plunkett cruisers? Is the "Strike Carrier" designation mean that it is slimmer on size in comparison to other carriers? And the Caernaven frigate is larger than both the Tallahassee cruiser and the Destroyer, which is odd cause those are usually bigger than frigates.

I cant even find sizes for any of the Pelican, Plunkett and Murphy class ships. Anyone have those?
Check the comparsion chart in the CIC file section. There's a chart there with the pelican, murphy and plunkett class cruisers.

About the concordia i have no idea, but for a bengal check Claw Marks (
The Ranger is far older than the Bengal, which accounts for its increased length. Still, length is not a good way to determine ship size... the best comparison would be mass, with the Bengal at 80,000 tonnes and the Ranger at only 28,000.

The "Strike Carrier" designation refers to the idea that the Bengal is capable of operating independantly behind enemy lines -- a fleet carrier like the Concordia would never be intended for such actions.

The "frigate" class in Wing Commander differs from reality -- in WC, frigates are larger ships that are often specialized for roles -- armed transport, missile platforms, etc.

The Hades is a Quick Strike Cruiser, the Plunkett is a Heavy Artillery Cruiser.

Requested Lengths-
Concordia class Fleet Carrier - 800 meters
C-9 Pelican class Transport - 400 meters
Murphy class Destroyer - 560 meters
LOAF: thanks, that helps, but what was the actual length for the Plunkett?

Ice: I know about the chart but it seems to be off on a bunch of lengths, like those I was asking for. Im trying to create my own chart, with all the ships from the WC games, and I have everything from WC1/2 already but i needed those others. In fact the only silouette i need is for the Ranger.
That and im told that there is no class designation for the destroyer from WC3/4 that the chart claims is Sheffield class.

What should be a good conjunctural class name for it then?
Most of them are wrong. It's not from Origin -- a fan made it (he also did a newer version, which was unfortunately lost).

The Sheffied has no specified class, that is correct.
Ive got a early draft of my version with mostly WC1/2 ships up. The WC3 destroyer and the Tallahassee class came from the earlier chart but everything else i got from Claw Marks and the WC2 manual.

its in this order...

WC3 destroyer

Transports used later are A LOT bigger.

but just so you know its not finished in this form. Id like to sometime get the class names and lengths up, probably add the ships from Wc4 and Prophecy/Secret Ops too.