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I always thought the TV show Firefly had a great deal in common with Privateer "Classic". Other than the fact that the original "Serenity" from 2003 had no guns...

Has anyone thought of adding a Firefly class ship, or any of the other ships to this game? I guess the question, from the Gemini Gold perspective, is "do they unbalance the game?"
Actually, the question, from the "Gemini Gold perspective," is "does this addition take the Privateer Remake and make it more like the original Privateer?" I believe the answer in this case is "no."
Hey, you know what else I think would work really well in a Wing Commander game?

Horses. In space.

You know it would be cool, you just know it - why, we could call them space horses!

Seriously, though. I love Firefly... and that just makes this idea seem even more horrid in my mind. It brings back nightmarish visions of Star Wars / WC crossover fiction, and that's enough to terrify even the bravest man.

...Thanks a lot, man, now I won't be able to sleep for a month :(.
I like fire flies...they all light up and stuff at night. Sometimes you can catch them in jars and they will light up really bright. Then after a while they all die...and then you feel sad. Which is kinda how I felt when I read this thread.
Why not replace the tarsus with the lone star van:


You are all right to mock the idea. That said, if there is going to be another Privateer game I think it would be awesome to have some kind of transport ship IN THE SPIRIT OF FIREFLY added to the options. Consider: A Dramen-like ship that has better engines but little or no weapons.
Quarto said:
...Thanks a lot, man, now I won't be able to sleep for a month :(.

Will that impair Standoff's progress?

Bearcat said:
A Dramen-like ship that has better engines but little or no weapons.

Because that would make it so much fun to run into a pirate talon.:p
Also the ship class is D-R-A-Y-M-A-N.
Actually, a "fast ship" with big engines and limited guns was one of the concepts considered when Privateer was early in its development. There's even a sketch of it in the CIC Archive.

(I hate that I have to hate saying things like this, though - six months from now we'll have whackos bitching about how "limited technology" prevented them from having all the ships they *really* wanted in Privateer... when in fact it was nothing like that.)
"liquid schwarz" should only be available from the start of the righteous fire campaign on.. to keep the game in balance :-P
Dyret said:
Because that would make it so much fun to run into a pirate talon.:p
Also the ship class is D-R-A-Y-M-A-N.

Alright, that is pretty bad for me, since my e-mail address for the past 7 years has been "draymen".

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't fly that junker, I'm just saying that's the best option for the Firefly fans.