

Looking in retrospect at WC4, exactly what "genetic enhancements" did Seether have? Would they have like, engineered Pilgrim into him? I mean if the Pilgrims were so genectically advanced you'd figure they'd want some of that in him.

Oooh..what if the Black Lance were a bunch of Pilgrims, using that gen-select weapon to take out non-Pilgrims! Makes ya think...

(I expect my theory to be torn to pieces within minutes of posting. It's alittle farfetched but somewhat possible.)
But if we accept the WCM story line, too (I don't), it would be very likely that this has been implemented. Certainly they would have taken a few pilgrims and analysed the reasons for their genetically mutations. By understanding Pilgrim Powers, they should have gotten enough know-how to make more genetically engineering...

[Edited by Sonntag on 04-28-2001 at 16:23]
Looking at this myself, it doesn't seem so much that they were enhanced, per se, but instead they'd had the negative removed. Eyesight, for example, they just removed the gene that would cause their eyesight to slip. And they bred out fat genetics, and low muscle growth (granted with the muscles I'm sure they did enhance them), etc. And then they bred a virus that could kill anything that didn't have those traits removed from them.
If you can't prove crap, Sonntag, don't spout it. Capiche?

Ladiesman: According to Tolwyn, the template for the project pilot was based in part on Blair's genetics... and it'd been created in 2653 -- *before* Blair had graduated from the Academy... without his record of success' what reason would Tolwyn have to use Blair's template...? Exactly.
But Tolwyn did know of Blair's father, wasn't he supposed to be a good pilot? And knowing that his mother was a pilgrim (if he did know), he might have wanted to get that in there as well.

The thing is, he must have gotten genetics from other pilots as well. They'd probably not have bothered so much with changing the clone... or if not clone, then genetic material recipient...'s appearance, so they should all look quite a bit like Blair. We know that they don't, though. I wonder whom else "donated."
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF

Ladiesman: According to Tolwyn, the template for the project pilot was based in part on Blair's genetics... and it'd been created in 2653 -- *before* Blair had graduated from the Academy... without his record of success' what reason would Tolwyn have to use Blair's template...? Exactly.

That's ahh...quite wierd...
That almost gives my little stupid theory MORE possibility. I mean, if your a human...and you want to breed Pilgrim's...why not use a half-breed? That way you'd be keeping the "humanity" but giving all the benefits of Pilgrims. And since Tolywn knew Blair's father, and apparently people knew that he had married a Pilgrim. I guess that didn't happen too often...

Anyway, so Tolywn knew Blair's father. And he knew he had a Pilgrim half breed son. Apparently then the GE program came up. So when Tolywn went to say what exactly they should make, he thought back to this pilgrim half breed kid. The I imagine they threw in other hero type people to fill in some gaps.

Hmm...that brings a nice way to connect the games and the movie big time. I thought i'd be critized from here to Kilrah when I brought this up...
so in WC GAME histroy, do we learn anything about Blair's parents? They certainly never talked about them from what I saw.
The bit I got was from the movie. And yes, I am calling the movie Canon. C-Roberts was involved, and he's as canon as you can get.
My brother pointed out the same thing the day after he first saw the movie... Captain Johnny scowled at him. Then I had a burger!

We don't learn anything about Blair's history period in the games... he's supposed to be a neutral character <G>