Secret Ops Download

mean if they share it for free, they cannot complain if we still do.

Sure they can. They made it, and they make money off of it through Prophecy Gold. However, they haven't complained about it yet, really. Trying to justify something that is illegal in most countries by saying 'they gave it to us once, it must be free now!' is rather stupid. I can deal with it if people say they just want to get SO free, but don't try to make it sound legitimate :)

Originally posted by TC
They made it quite clear on their site that it was a limited time offer... Ignorance isn't really an excuse for anything unless the information is hidden from you in some way.

what happens if you were internet impaired? :)
That's your own fault. That's like walking into a store two days after a sale's over and demanding that you get the sale price because your car broke down and you couldn't get there.

Originally posted by Kilroy
Thanks Dak! Maybe this will lead me to my goal.

I don't know about other countries, but in the UK, Prophecy Gold is easy enough to find on Yahoo auctions.
Originally posted by TC
That's your own fault. That's like walking into a store two days after a sale's over and demanding that you get the sale price because your car broke down and you couldn't get there.


I wasent complaining.