Secret Missions Modules


Hi people! I am a HUGE WC fan. I have been since I first played it 10 years ago at my Uncle's place. I have since bought every WC game to come out (except KS! Now I'm just kicking myself for that one!) Anyways, I was just curious as to how rare the Secret Missions and Special Ops add-on packs are. I had one heck of a time trying to find them, that's for sure. Also who else has these add-ons? I just want to see who has them. Just curiousity.
I have SO1 for WC2. But I won't mention that SM1/2 and SO1/2 are a free download for Kilrathi Saga since you don't have it - whoops! :)
The Deluxe edition of WC2 had SO1 and SO2 on the cd. I live in the DFW area in texas and that cd isn't that hard to find. Most used electronic/software stores and/or pawn shops are the best places to find them. The one I want is the deluxe edition of WC1. I have never seen it.
I know that the missions are available on the deluxe version. However, I have the original copies of the games. Boxes, manuals, and individual disks. I also know that they are available for free download (ARG!!! Wish I had the sense to buy the Kilrathi Saga when I saw it at my local EB!!!!). Anyways, I am wondering how many people actually have these rare pieces of WC history in their original form. However, if you have the deluxe edition that is good too. Heck, I bought the Deluxe edition of WC2 just for the Speech Pack (Saw that too in stores, but didn't buy it because I didn't have the money. I went back a week later and it was gone! I was kicking myself for not convincing my parents to buy it for me!!! Another blunder by me!!)
A friend of mine recently purchased an original Akalabeth from 1979... the disk was absolutely uncorrupted.
I have a set of WC1 5.25s that work find (at least, as of last year when I last was able to try them on an old computer at my friend's house :) )

I'm still trying to figure this one out. Maybe some of you people can help me. My original WC: SM2 disks are 5 1/2 whereas my WC2 disks are 3 1/4. I was under the impression that 3 1/4 are more reliable than 5 1/2. That doesn't seem to be true because Disk 5,6,7 of my original WC2 disks are corrupt!!! Whereas my SM2 disks, which are older, work perfectly fine!!! Can someone tell me why that is??
The switch to 3.5" disks was because they were more portable, held more data and were cheaper -- not necessarily because they were more reliable.

I think we tend to unconsciously take better care of 5.25" disks, too -- we keep them dust-free and in their sleeves, whereas we throw our 3.25" disks around... thus, they don't last as long.
And that's why he has THAT big collection of WC goodies and stuff, more than you can imagine.

Or at least, so I was told, so maybe you should put some pix up Bandit! ;)

Ehm, sorry... :)