Second-line ConFed Forces?


How do, gentlemen?

I think we've seen well-enough how mainline ConFed forces operated, but I've been wondering about the secondary forces, like In-System Security, Home Defense Squadrons, and the militias. More specifically, I wonder how they interlock with one another.

In the WC3 novel, Flash was transferred from a HDS on Tamayo that flew Thunderbolts. Was HDS simply another term for militia, maybe used by the inner worlds? Or would all militia units technically be known as Home Defense units?

Now, with local militias/HDS units (presumably) providing defense/policing for their home planets and/or systems, where would ISS fit into the equation? Systems that couldn't raise their own defense certainly, but where else? Complementing militias when needed? Roaming task forces for pirate hunting?

Any guesses as to how the chain-of-command operated? ISS seemed like it reported through regular ConFed channels, as Blair tells Shadow: "Look at it this way, Liz; if we didn't keep the brass happy, they'd give us even less glamorous missions." So, even if reporting to a dedicated ISS command structure, it seems like it would be analogous to ConFed HQ. How about militia units? ConFed officer to act as a liaison between militia and regular military?

How about supply? The Gladii patrols in Privateer were I believe militia, and they had Talons there as well. The ISS was using Ferrets nowhere outposts like Caernavon Station, and a HDS near the front in Vega Sector had access to fleet T-Bolts. Lastly, I don't know how gospel I should take it as, but I've seen reference on these forums of the F2M Vinidcator being designed as a jack-of-all-trades fighter for planetary militia units.

I realize there is likely anything concrete on these subjects, but hopefully we can get a decent discussion going or at least point out things would/wouldn't work. Thanks in advance.
In a real life-scenerio, the militia is the in-universe equivalent of the police force, simple is that. This "home defense force", sounds like something similar to our Kmar(Military Constabulary).
I would've said the Home Defense Force would've been more like the British Home Guard during WW2, or the current Reserve forces for the military
I would say that, all things considered, the best equivalent is the US National Guard - in other words, a local state militia.
And well, about the supply, likely they only have light- or medium patrol fighters at best. The thunderbolts you mentioned likely carried less ordnance, traded in for more fuel and possibly a Jumpdrive or tractor beam to better suit their role.