Scenario 2 Comment Thread


Use this thread to comment on or discuss events in the "Destroyer Battle" scenario. If you want to suggest rule changes, please open a separate thread for the sake of clarity. (Especially if it has the potential of being a controversial rule change or if it's very complex. ;) )
I'm throwing this in here, since it is interface related and not in-character.

Ironduke, I noticed that your new implementation has lost the 'movement orders' table. Any chance we can have that put back in some form, so that we can see what the other team actually commanded (since it doesn't always work out?) It certainly looks like they all commanded a straight-forward move... but did they? Are there hidden barrel rolls we can't see? etc.

edit: Hey nifty! They have a 'last manoeuvre performed' field on the pop-up. I take back the previous comment, although some sort of table for the 'historical moves' wouldn't hurt.
edit: Hey nifty! They have a 'last manoeuvre performed' field on the pop-up. I take back the previous comment, although some sort of table for the 'historical moves' wouldn't hurt.
I see you figured it out for yourself. :) If possible, I'd like to remove the "Movement Chart" as it was. The last maneuvers stay online in the Flash turns, and we'll have the separate turn phases online in the future. (So instead of "Next Turn" you'll have a "Next Turn" AND a "Next Phase" available where applicable.)
That way I'm saving some time when generating new turns. If you all want the "Movement Chart" back, though, I shall bow to your will. :p
Just reminding you that we're in the Combat Phase right now - fire some flak, lock a target or whatever else. Some of you have already sent movement orders early - I'll use those in the next Movement Phase, so don't wonder if your name still appears red under the "Submitted Turns" section. :)
Well, it looks like my stay with Zeta 2 will be rather short. :)

But it's ok, a wingman should take the Flak for his wingleader :).

[Still, I stand by my post in the volunteers thread: Flak is too powerful now.)
(Open Channel)
Pack leader, the monkeys are falling for our trap. Skabak 3 is doing a good job, pretending to be a poor pilot and letting himself be hit by their weak weapons fire! Our plan is working perfectly, and soon they shall enter our ambush zone, and we shall pounce with all ferocity! For the Glory of Sivar!
I like the new missile popups. Very informative!

That said, Garga 1 and 2's targetting info is weird. Neither one actually shows that we have 1/2 IR lock on Bravo 1. Also there's some mention of Garga 2 targetting an incoming HS? Did I miss something?
That said, Garga 1 and 2's targetting info is weird. Neither one actually shows that we have 1/2 IR lock on Bravo 1. Also there's some mention of Garga 2 targetting an incoming HS? Did I miss something?
Ah, I mixed up "Targeting" and "Incoming" for Garga 2. He has a Javelin HS on his tail, that's all. And now that we're at it, I don't even know what "Targeting" was meant for. Hm... ;)
IR (and other missile/torpedo) locks appear on the Turn Summary only. Although I could now use the empty "Targeting" info to implement something like "IR (1/2)".
Ok, knocking on wood: Zeta 2 has more luck than I thought. Though, now that I said it...

Avacar said:
I like the new missile popups. Very informative!

Oh yes, I wouldn't have noticed if you didn't say it. That's a real step forward.

Though I have some (maybe unfouded) gripes with the other popups, I'll make a new thread for it.
Why was Bravo 1 allowed to take a non-afterburner evasive action? Does this mean Garga 1 could simply have moved and turned to avoid the DF missile too? This essentially will mean that any DF shot can simply be "dodged" if you can use regular movement to 'side step' them, at the usual evasive action penalty of no movement next turn.

By the time you know a missile is coming, you barely have time to either launch a chaff pod, or hit the afterburners; you shouldn't have time to REDUCE SPEED and calmly turn out of the way... the missile is coming in at a speed of 12!
On another note, when the DF missile from Skabak 2 missed Bravo 1, shouldn't it continue it's route towards Bravo 2?
(quote from the manual: If a DF missile misses its original target, all other units in its line of fire are endangered (up to the missile’s maximum range of 10 hexes).)

Also, go Kats, go!:p
On another note, when the DF missile from Skabak 2 missed Bravo 1, shouldn't it continue it's route towards Bravo 2?
(quote from the manual: If a DF missile misses its original target, all other units in its line of fire are endangered (up to the missile’s maximum range of 10 hexes).)

It continued... and hit me :(
Yeah, I am unsure about Bravo 1's evasive action as well. :confused:

And Guilherme, I'm sorry for that DF: you didn't deserve it. :)

The manual says a ship must have a afterburner to make an evasive action, but it don't says the ship must activate it. (of course, the last word about it will come from Ironduke...)

And about the DF, well, shit happens :D