Sb Pci 128?


I'm sure it has been asked here before, but can anyone help with some trouble im having getting P2 to detect my PCI128 SB card under either DOS or Win98?

I'm running win98se on a celeron 400, 128MB ram, no EMS issues, joystick is fine, mouse ok, but the install program will not continue until it is set to use a sound card.

No matter what combination of sound cards, IRQs, DMAs and I/Os I use, it will NOT detect it. :eek:(

Any help much appreciated.

That´s my card ! A very good one, BTW.

First, try downloading the latest driver from

Does your card work with other games in DOS?

I will be on a work travel tomorrow but I´ll get back here on Tuesday, ok?
Will do. BTW, what model is your card? I've got the CT4810, does it make much of a difference?
I'll let you know if I get it working.
None of my other progs will detect the card under a dos prompt or true dos :mad: :confused:
Firstly, is Priv 2 Windows compatible?

Secondly, here's how I get the card to work in DOS. You don't need to do this for Windows though.

First, if you are running the game in Windows (if it is windows compatible), then try right-clicking on the "My Computer" icon and left click on "properties". Then, go into the device manager. Go to the sound/audio device listing, and click on the + sign. Double click on the Legacy device, and go to the "Dos application settings" tab. That will tell you what your settings are. In a perfect world, you've set the Legacy device to work on IRQ 5. Remember these settings, and if you can, configure the game manually.

Here's how I get the card to work in DOS:
1. Install the card normally, and install the latest drivers.

2. Get out your SBPCI install CD and look for the "Audio\English\Win9xdrv" (If you're using win9x). Take all the files in there and copy them to your C:\SBPCI directory. IIRC though, you may only really need the SBPCI.BIN file. But just to be safe, because you also need SBINIT.COM as well as some of the other .EXE files.

3. This is what I've got going in my autoexec.bat file:

SET BLASTER=A220 I7 D1 H7 P330 T6

These are important to running stuff in DOS. You'd need to do some IRQ changing in Windows for your autoexec to match those, because each time you load up your computer, the card's programs and such will change those lines to their original ones on their own.

4. Whenever you want to get the card working while you're in DOS (Not a DOS window, but the actual TRUE DOS), just run the SBINIT.COM found in the C:\SBPCI directory. The card will work fine.

That should about do it. Just remember to get that stuff off your CD, because the installations for the newest drivers always delete them.
Q-Ball, Saturnyne said it all. Just follow his instructions and come back here if you have any problems.

Originally posted by Saturnyne
because each time you load up your computer, the card's programs and such will change those lines to their original ones on their own.

Saturnyne, everytime I run Windows it DELETES :confused: my sound card lines in autoexec and config... Every time I boot back in DOS I have to re-write them.

Is that what you meant? Does it happen in your computer too?
Well, it's never done that for me... but whenever I made changes to my autoexec.bat and dosstart.bat files on the SET BLASTER line, it would be changed back to its original state whenever I booted up my computer. Hence, you have to do the IRQ changing in Windows, and then make the changes in the autoexec. It should leave things as they are.

Oddly, after a reformat, the line remains unchanged whenever I load up Windows (Especially since I've set the IRQ to 7, which makes life easier). Don't know why.
the reason it deletes the lines, is because u have the WDM driver installed, windows driver model its a driver type designed to work with all windows versions, a universal driver as it were, the problem is that the drivers dont work in dos, and the installer automatically installs the WDM and not the w9x driver, soo u have to go into device manager, find your sound card and choose reinstall driver and select the find the driver, then sound and game devices, then have disk and then browse to the english\drivers\win9x (or whatever its called on ur CD) and then click ok, install the PCI card probably an "audioPCI 128" not the legacy driver, OR the gamepad, when its intalled, reboot and it will pick up the rest, most specifically the legacy driver, IE the dos driver

good luck, if u still have any trouble, drop me a line
Originally posted by Madman
is because u have the WDM driver installed

I tried that and did not work. I already did not have the WDM drivers installed, but the Win9x drivers. Nevertheless, I removed the drivers and reinstalled them, but the problem still happens.