SAGA Mod just mentioned in Belgian/Dutch gaming Magazine!


Article is titled Freespace 2 mods It has a picture with the cloakable strakha titled Freespace 2 meets wingcommander? Cool!
here is a rough translation,
FreeSpace 2 is with it's intense dogfights and amazing laserbeam capship battles without a doubt the most spectaculair spacesim ever. For those who want more (and No that does not include Darkstar one or Freelancer) there is some good news. Since the sourcecode for FreeSpace 2 has been released last year the mods for freespace 2 have been popping up like mushrooms. Just take a look at - under tab "hosted". Here you can find all projects under construction. VERY INTERESTING IS THE WING COMMANDER SAGA MOD that can also be played by players who do not own a original copy of FreeSpace 2.

Congratulations guys, It's from the PC gameplay, het ultieme spelmagazine
Year 13, nbr, 125, september 2006
Most spectaculair... and that's true.. but the magazine loves spacesims especially Wing Commander.. I read something about wingcommander every few months.. heck half a year ago they had a 2 page special about Wing Commander
Hey, that's cool. Though they are a little bad informed, since the source code is out for quite some years now. It's always great being recognized by new groups. I hope there will be more of it in the future :)

Would it be possible to send me a scan of this article ? I'm collecting those :)
Probably not. I don't think there are many Freespace fans left on these forums. I'm just pointing out that the point of view harbored by that German magazine is pretty common in the games industry. You don't need to scoff whenever someone somewhere declares Freespace 2 as the greatest space sim ever made, as there are many people and publications who beleive it. If you scoff at them, you'll only make yourself seem elitist.

Myself, I'm more of a fan of Freespace 1 :D
Dyret said:
I'm a Freespace fan, but I still think its crappy points prevent it from being the best.

I think it's more subjective. The main thing people view as a flaw if the absolute lack of any kind of character development. Some people, such as myself, thought that that same lack of character development drew more attention to the bigger picture of the war, and the feeling of insignificance helped me to invision myself as a lone soldier in a huge war. Tie Fighter worked the same way, and it seems that the lack of character development is one of the aspects that Freespace borrowed from that game.
hurleybird said:
I think it's more subjective. The main thing people view as a flaw if the absolute lack of any kind of character development. Some people, such as myself, thought that that same lack of character development drew more attention to the bigger picture of the war, and the feeling of insignificance helped me to invision myself as a lone soldier in a huge war. Tie Fighter worked the same way, and it seems that the lack of character development is one of the aspects that Freespace borrowed from that game.
TIE Fighter did that because Imperial pilots are treated as tools, not people. And, people cannot say that Freespace is better if WC has everything it has and more.
hurleybird said:
I think it's more subjective. The main thing people view as a flaw if the absolute lack of any kind of character development. Some people, such as myself, thought that that same lack of character development drew more attention to the bigger picture of the war, and the feeling of insignificance helped me to invision myself as a lone soldier in a huge war. Tie Fighter worked the same way, and it seems that the lack of character development is one of the aspects that Freespace borrowed from that game.

That's not true, though. Despite TF's lack of "grab a beer with Paladin" interaction, it still had very well done and memorable characters. I mean, didn't it feel great when Thrawn praised your efforts. And we all remember how much we hated Harkov after his betrayal... The feeling of pride when the cloaked character told you that the emperor was pleased with you. The thrill of flying with Dart Vader. In short, Tie Fighter had lots of character with distinct and strong personalities. Freespace's only character we actually knew anything about was the traitor dude from 2.

TIE Fighter did that because Imperial pilots are treated as tools, not people.

How does that affect interaction... Thrakhath probably viewed Melek as a tool, but WC 3 is stuffed with scenes of them hanging out discussing humans and tactics. Besides, the emperors secret order popped up every now and then to save your ass, so it's not like you were totally worthless to them.;)

And, people cannot say that Freespace is better if WC has everything it has and more.

They can if that's how they feel. Terror From The Deep had everything UFO Defence had and more(water!Yay!), but i still prefer UFO Defence.:)
Lt.Death100 said:
TIE Fighter did that because Imperial pilots are treated as tools, not people.

No, Tie Fighter did that because X-Wing did it too.

Lt.Death100 said:
And, people cannot say that Freespace is better if WC has everything it has and more.

Meh, Freespace was pretty much a 60/40 mix between X-wing/TIE Fighter and Wing Commander, so of course it had some things that WC didn't (and vice versa). And people can say whatever they want, why should they care what some guy on some fansite forum thinks?

EDIT: Nm, dyret already replied to that point more skillfully than I :)
Dyret said:
That's not true, though. Despite TF's lack of "grab a beer with Paladin" interaction, it still had very well done and memorable characters. I mean, didn't it feel great when Thrawn praised your efforts. And we all remember how much we hated Harkov after his betrayal... The feeling of pride when the cloaked character told you that the emperor was pleased with you. The thrill of flying with Dart Vader. In short, Tie Fighter had lots of character with distinct and strong personalities. Freespace's only character we actually knew anything about was the traitor dude from 2.

Well, in Freespace you also have various admirals and flight group commanders who would compliment, reward, or condemn you. Of course in TIE Fighter you already know some of these characters from the movies so you already have some character development set in place. Despite that, I still think TIE Fighter did do a better job of developing those 'higher up' characters than Freespace did. So Freespace and Tie Fighter both have that in common. What you don't have in either game is character development on the main character/wingman level with the exceptions of Darth Vader in TIE Fighter and that Terran Intelligence guy in Freespace 2.
Dyret said:
How does that affect interaction... Thrakhath probably viewed Melek as a tool, but WC 3 is stuffed with scenes of them hanging out discussing humans and tactics. Besides, the emperors secret order popped up every now and then to save your ass, so it's not like you were totally worthless to them.;)

They can if that's how they feel. Terror From The Deep had everything UFO Defence had and more(water!Yay!), but i still prefer UFO Defence.:)
1. I'm not talking about interaction on the Kilrathi side.
2. I mean if game A has so much of this and so much of that and game B has more and better of this and the same amount of that you can't honestly say that game A is better. Now there are many things that come into play here but really WC had everything FS had and much more. This is the similar case with WC and FS, sure FS has great outerspace action but WC has that too, does it better, AND has great character interaction to boot.
hurleybird said:
Well, in Freespace you also have various admirals and flight group commanders who would compliment, reward, or condemn you.

Yeah, but none of them really mattered. I mean, all you ever did was listening to their voice briefings/debriefings, which was basically generic greeting, content, and then dismissed... there was not the tiniest trace of personality. A picture and a few lines in the greetings to the squad briefing could possibly have done something to give them a trace of personality, but the way the game was done, they just didn't have any. You never ever felt like you had let them down or made them proud, like you would after landing on some imperial ship in TF.

Despite that, I still think TIE Fighter did do a better job of developing those 'higher up' characters than Freespace did.

I can't argue with that.:)

that Terran Intelligence guy in Freespace 2.

Hehe, I had forgotten about him, he actually did have some personality... Too bad you only saw him for like... four missions?

I'm not talking about interaction on the Kilrathi side.

I was the one that brought up the Kats. I was trying to explain how being a tool doesn't necessarily prevent character interaction.
Dyret said:
Yeah, but none of them really mattered. I mean, all you ever did was listening to their voice briefings/debriefings, which was basically generic greeting, content, and then dismissed... there was not the tiniest trace of personality.

I disagree somewhat. The Vasudan Admiral and squadron leader had their fair share of personality, as well as "Terran Command" and the Colossus guy. I do agree that a lot of the brass did feel generic though.

Dyret said:
A picture and a few lines in the greetings to the squad briefing could possibly have done something to give them a trace of personality.

Hey, you're absolutley right, that would go a huge way. I think I'll forward that suggestion to the guys at HLP :cool:

Dyret said:
You never ever felt like you had let them down or made them proud, like you would after landing on some imperial ship in TF.

Yeah, TIE Fighter did a better job in that regard. The two exceptions in Freespace 2 were the Terrain Intelligence guy and the Vasudan squad leader.

Lt.Death100 said:
This is the similar case with WC and FS, sure FS has great outerspace action but WC has that too, does it better, AND has great character interaction to boot.

The core strength of FS2 was it's fun flight dynamics and space action. That's the main improvement that it boasted over previous space sims and the main reason so many gamers and publications go around calling it "the best space-sim ever made."
hurleybird said:
Probably not. I don't think there are many Freespace fans left on these forums. I'm just pointing out that the point of view harbored by that German magazine is pretty common in the games industry. You don't need to scoff whenever someone somewhere declares Freespace 2 as the greatest space sim ever made, as there are many people and publications who beleive it. If you scoff at them, you'll only make yourself seem elitist.

No, this a Wing Commander website, so telling people not to scoff is silly. There aren't many Freespace fans left on these forums because Freespace isn't actually as great as those few publications say. There's a small handful of them that gave Freespace 2 good marks, but it's always singular reviews that make your "pretty common" claim. Wing Commander is always the representative space sim when it's time for them to do a "best of all time" features and or make commentary on the genre.
hurleybird said:
I disagree somewhat. The Vasudan Admiral and squadron leader had their fair share of personality, although I agree that a lot of the brass did feel generic.

Yeah, but the Vasudans were representing an entire fictional race... They needed personality.

The core strength of FS2 was it's fun flight dynamics and space action. That's the main improvement that it boasted over previous space sims and the main reason so many gamers and publications go around calling it "the best space-sim ever made."

Yeah, I just played some FS2 this today... One of my own homemade mission were the player in a bomber, escorted by two wingmen have to soften up a Shivan destroyer so that a Hecate can jump in and deal with it. The space combat part is pretty awesome, no doubt about that.
ChrisReid said:
No, this a Wing Commander website, so telling people not to scoff is silly.

What difference would it make what kind of website you're running? Elitist attitudes are always bad. I should know, as I have one --but it is something I'm trying to fix.

ChrisReid said:
There aren't many Freespace fans left on these forums because Freespace isn't that great.

There aren't many Freespace fans left on these forums because they got into giant flamewar-type arguments and got banned or left.

ChrisReid said:
There's a small handful of publications that gave Freespace 2 good marks, mainly by reviewers who missed the Wing Commander boat.

I find it hard to find a review of Freespace 2 that *doesn't* mention Wing Commander.

ChrisReid said:
It's always singular reviews that make your "pretty common" claim, but Wing Commander always is the representative space sim in various "best of all time" features and commentary on the genre.

I think it would be pretty close between Freespace, Wing Commander, and TIE Fighter. If I have some time I'll do so digging... could be interesting.