Saga Knows Nose Art (August 27, 2007)

Bandit LOAF

Long Live the Confederation!
The Wing Commander Saga mod for FreeSpace 2 has released a new piece of artwork showing off some of the squadron artwork included in the game. This is a cool choice that harkens back to the original Wing Commander when players would see a Killer Bee painted on the side of their Hornet when taking off and landing:
The Wing Commander Saga main campaign will provide the player with the opportunity to fly as a part of several different squadrons, just like the original Wing Commander series. Each squadron has a unique group of pilots and its own logo. These logos can actually be seen painted on the fuselages of the different fighter squadrons in game. Most of our squadron logos are inspired by actual logos used in the Wing Commander trading card game. Check out the screenshot for an example of some of the squadron logos you will encounter.

Three of them are from the CCG: Hell's Archers (Arrow), William Tell (Longbow) and Mud Shark (Thunderbolt). The Hell's Archers were VMF544, assigned to the TCS Ark Royal.

Original update published on August 27, 2007
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That's really neat, I love Wing Commander's nose art (wc) and squadron markings (wc2, 3, p). It's a small thing, but it's a really neat little detail that fleshes out the universe. Will these be permanently attached to the fighters, or will they be able to be swapped around in multiplayer?
Hmm.. if I remember right in multiplayer you can choose squadron logos. Some other team member can correct me if I'm wrong. I think thats the way it worked if FS2 (and in the single player game, fighters from different squadrons had different logos but didn't require entire new textures, just something that plugs in which logo to show, IIRC) anways, so it shouldn't be a problem to do it with Saga.
Yeah, I think you're right, Sphynx. They will be available in MP.

The good news is that I drawed them as vector graphics and applied some little effects later in Photoshop, so I can change their size without losing quality. (Of course they lose some quality when converted to pixel-graphics for ingame use or in the internet).

(So just eMail me if you want to make a poster or a t-shirt with your favourite squadron logo. :D )
