Saga graphics help!

Xi Bowhunter

Rear Admiral
I just installed wing commander saga on my pc. The game seems to run great, but the graphics is very off. I am getting a lot of white blocks where the pointer should be, and when i launch the mission, space is all white.

Can someone help me?!?!
What graphic mode have you selected? If you selected DirectX you mostly will get a lot of errors since this mode isn't supported anymore. Select OpenGL instead.

If that dosn't help check your graphicard drivers. One of the older Nvidia drivers gave me a little bug but its gone least I don't have problems anymore.

That are the usual suspects...if the problem is still there it might be helpfull to know your system specs and what drivers you are using.
What graphic mode have you selected? If you selected DirectX you mostly will get a lot of errors since this mode isn't supported anymore. Select OpenGL instead.

If that dosn't help check your graphicard drivers. One of the older Nvidia drivers gave me a little bug but its gone least I don't have problems anymore.

That are the usual suspects...if the problem is still there it might be helpfull to know your system specs and what drivers you are using.

I have the Open Gl used, and it looks like my driver is vtdisp.dll. Does that sound right? I hope you can help me out with this.

It says my mini VDD is: vtmini.sys

Does this help? I hope so.
Are you using an onboard chip or an extra card? It sounds like its an onboard card. If so I haven't got much experiance with these.
Uh oh. Onboard chips tend not to interact well with FS2_Open. Since it's the engine underlying Saga, this does not bode well for you.

Go into the Device Manager, if you would (Control Panel > System > Hardware > Device Manager under XP, it's directly under the Control Panel in Vista). Now click on Display Adapters and tell us what's listed. Once we know what we're dealing with, we can start running this down.
Some research via Google suggests that the chip doesn't support hardware transform and lighting, which is a requirement for FS2_Open (and, therefore, Saga). I'm not sure there's anything you can do short of getting a new graphics card. Anyone else have any ideas?
Not realy. HT&L has become an importend part of the engine. If the hardware dosn't support it I doubt that there is much one could do. The Chip you have is design for office applications and not gameing.

If you intend to play other graphical demanding games I would recommend a graphiccard anyway. If its only for older games I have seen some at a price starting from 30€ to 50€.
From that on its open end in the price.
Guys, I think you're forgetting something. Try running the game in software mode. To do this, go into troubleshooting under the launcher and check off "Use Software mode" but don't say you haven't been warned about bad framerates. :)
The problem here that Lars was edging around is that software mode is badly deprecated and may explode in his face. I was aware of the option, but I didn't mention it because the coder types kind of act like you're summoning Cthulhu when you mention running in that mode. I don't want the world to end before I ever get to play WC:Arena!
That didn't work either:(. Any other suggestions? I would hate to have to wait until I buy a new computer to play this game.

I have WC Prophecy and it runs great, but I guess that doesn't help does it? ~~~!
Prophecy was made for Glide and D3D if I remember it correctly. So these should work for your chip as at far as I undestood it supports at least D3D.
Does the new OpenGL version that was released with Standoff, for example, also works for you?
If it does it would be strange why another OpenGL title shouldn't work. On the other hand I don't know to much about the programming details but I think there are different versions of OGL as is for DX and such. So it might be something related to this.