I've installed SM2 so many times now

But, yeah, I've tried it with every different sound option (even no sound).
I've found that if I make my SM2 directory a sub-directory of WC, THEN I mount my c:\ as the directory with WC1, the a:\ or d:\ drives as the one with SM2, THEN access SM2 THROUGH the c:\ drive, I can get it to the screen that says:
"Sorry, an error occurred while reading from the disk.
Please note the following information:
camp.002 #0 (ERR 6 PS-1 LB371541 FL0) at LPN
Check your configuration. If this problem persists, please call Origin's service line. We are sorry for the inconvenience."
Which is similar to the error I got before, except the file it references is different (camp.002 instead of arrow.ega) AND my previous error message said that an error occurred while "allocating memory", not "reading from the disk".
Are we having fun yet?