That's exactly right Mr. Reid, at least in the case of Galactic Conflict.

What happes on our boards is in a pretty clearly spelled out order:

I announce a campaign, people post which ships they want to command in that campaign and then run off and and start their own thread for the Campaign.

In that thread they post what their fleet is doing, where it's moving, how it's deployed, etc etc.

At a point in which they would come into contact with the Enemy a TAG system is in place, they post their actions and "tag" the Kilrathi player to come post. The Kilrathi player comes in and writes a short post regarding his visible forces, and then the fleets begin to clash, with each character describing in his post what various elements of his or her fleet are doing. By the time you get to the endof the conflict you have a neat collection of posts that spells out the story of exactly what happened at that paticular battle - as created by the players.

It's pretty freeform on our boards, if you want to crash your carrier into the Kilrathi Command ship your certainly welcome to - but the Commander of the Confederation will remember that next time he's assigned ships for a campaign. So parts of it play out like real military. Captains with ships assigned to them are expected to be have in at least a semi-realistic way. Bigger larger newer ships/fleets are assigned as they are earned on Merit.

We also keep all inter-ship communications seperate in another forum for players to write messages (In character) to each other, which is a good deal of fun as we have two fleets in the same system right now and the only information they have on each other is what's been posted in the message, which makes things a bit more interesting to the RP.
I think what is being asked is the format. So to answer his question, you guys would write story snippets on a forum, right? That part's being left out. What do you actually *do* when you "play"?

Ahh, sorry. Misread his question. Thanks for clarifying.

Yeah, it's a system of RPing on the forum via "tagging" other players and the gamemasters, and it works basically the same within the chat as well, only more fluidly.