

Greek Special Forces B' Company "Naoussa" 2007-200
Anyone here played Robotech:Battlecry on PS2 ??????????????????????????????????

Is it OK ? looks great but in Gamespot they give it only 6.7/10 ....

They didnt like it.....:mad:
I love macross i think its one of the best anime series in the world! But i can't stand those 2D model on 3D world games....

I'll just have to keep playing that old snes sidescroller then...
I played Gun-metal for X-Box. Very similar to Robotech, and I think much better graphics than the cell shaded graphics for Robotech Battlecry that I have seen. But of course the proof is in the playing so the vote's not in yet. ;)
There are no other Robotech games except Robotech:Battlecry
and Robotech for GBA. :)

They look good!!!

P.S. Macross games have nothing to do with Robotech
I've got Gun Metal.. it's not too great.. and everywhere I've heard puts Robotech above it.
I dont think they are Robotech ,but Macross.They have the same Mechs and Characters but its not Robotech......

Harmony Gold officialy released these 2 Robotech Games I said and there are no others......