Robotech/Macross Half-life 2 MOD


I don't know if it has been suggested, but I have been planing to do one sence the day I saw HL1. I knew that the engine was wonderfull for making mods, but that it would have to be greatly expanded to allow for the type of gameplay I wanted, and that if a HL2 where ever to exist, it would be perfict.

Now HL2 is on its way (slowly) and I would realy like to make this happen. The big prob is that I know not ONE person who knows both somthing about editing HL like engines, and Macross/Robotech.

Just thought I would run this idea buy you all and see what ya think. This WC mod seems to be great for space fighing, and figher mode, but with HL2, I hope to make a more groundbased, low flying, mech like mod.