Ridgerunner's How-to-Navigate Using a Star Thread


Vice Admiral
1. Launch out in your favorite trusty fighter.

2. Go to the nav map.

3. Change the axis to the one that looks like a spiderweb.

4. Rotate it down 'till you're looking at it edgeways.

5. Spin it until you see the star.

6. Click on the star.

7. Exit out of the nav map and autopilot to the new nav point.

Handy for when there's an asteroid field between you and the desired nav point. Such as in Penders Star.

What do you mean what's unusual about it? He discovered another way to bypass asteroids by autopiloting to a sun, then to the nav point on the other side of the roids.. We thought we had made it impossible by making it so you couldn't target suns by cycling through nav points or targets, and by virtue of it being far away not showing up on the map to be clicked on. Not on the 2d map anyway ;)
oh, i thought everyone knew you could turnt eh map to show the sun and select it.
i never blocked the selection of suns within the nav screen. didn't think it was an issue.

JKeefe said:
Those instructions confuse me...

Sorry. Sometimes I'm not very good at explaining something to someone else. I'm a hands on, "Here, I'll show you." kind of guy. Come on by and I'll show you.

I gather targetting the sun is the important step, and I can do that.

So that's all this is? A way to bypass the asteroid field by flying a large triangle around it? Say you're going from point 1 to point 2:
     /   \
    /     \
   /       \
  /         \
 /           \
1     AST     2
Well, that's true, you could remove the ability to target the sun. But I have a better idea. How about, instead, you only pretend that you did. We'll be quite happy to tell you that you removed it and pretend with you. Right guys?
hey folks I "removed" it ... you'll all notice that it's magically gone through some "auto update" process... ;-) ;-)