
Originally posted by wcwraith
i dont have prophecy installed and dont want have to beat the missions over again

So what you're saying is you want someone else to go and beat all those missions again for you? How noble.
I don't believe there was ever a movie of the Kraken shooting the Midway... but then again, I didn't know there was a specific cutscene if you fail to save the H'hrass Relay Station.
I have my saved games now. I'm pretty sure all of them (from my path) are in there, but I can't guarentee it...

Anyway, what's your e-mail address, wcwraith?
Oh... just send him a message, he should reply, then you can send attachments using your own e-mail provider.
I think Kris may have been suggesting that you get, and then use a crius e-mail account so that you can easily send and retrieve e-mail on the road!!!

However, if one is unable to figure this out, I doubt he would be able to properly fill in the application form. Therefore, please disregard this post.
