Release Date?

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We are into June month now and still no word on a release date for North America. The way I see it you will be lucky to see this in the fall! Maybe the winter! Maybe next summer!
The merchandise licensing company hints that maybe it will come out in the fall. We'll see I guess.

I would hope it would come out around the time of the french release but considering that it's june that's unlikely. Something around the time of the september russian release would probably be ok, but it might also make a good halloween movie. (odd Saw movie link, The production designer from outlander directed 'Saw V' which should be out around halloween, and he was production designer on "saw II' 'saw III' and 'saw IV'.)

I have heard that there's a trailer just around the corner but I'm not sure if it's an international one or from the weinsteins (you see, for the most part individual distributors are responsible for their own marketing campaigns).
Quick update about France: It seems that they have adjusted the date and it now is slated for an August 13th release, two weeks later than the original July 30th. Both the website for the company running the french marketing for the film, and the IMDB have been updated with the new date. I'll be putting an update on the front page later tonight.

After that though I'm out of town for the weekend, so I won't be updating till at least monday. But I'll still be looking for news, so If I find anything I'll be posting it here.
More news... According to Acmefilm, the company responsible for distributing Outlander in Latvia, the movie will be released in latvia on July 11th! I'm not familiar with the rating system in latvia but it received a 16+ rating (Under 16 not recommended) and runs 1hour and 55 minutes (the same as the legnth reported at Cannes).
I can't think of a single movie released by the weinsteins that has ever gotten an extended DVD release, so I think this 115 minute cut of the movie is all we'll ever get.
I can't think of a single movie released by the weinsteins that has ever gotten an extended DVD release, so I think this 115 minute cut of the movie is all we'll ever get.
Err, spoke too soon. There actually have been.

So hopefully we'll get an extended DVD version (considering the movie was seemingly 2h30 before being vut to 1h55, 35 minutes is a lot of cut material)
here's something hellboy said in a interview. its towards the end of it. even he's in the dark.

Interesting. Thanks for the link. Curiously, march was around the time one of the producers told us they were trying to settle on a date and that he figured it would be out by the end of august (which still seems like it's happening in some of Europe). I haven't really heard much about the American release since.
what i find disconcerting is he can't get any response from anyone when he inquired about it. he is in the know more so than anyone, being in the movie and all, and to not even be indulged with some type of answer is troubling. also wasn't it mentioned here awhile back that the producer don carmody is in the dark on this as well about the status of any kind of american release date?

you would think with comic con on the horizon they would play it there to get the superhero geeks all hyped up on a sci fi/horror flick. the exposure there would be huge and i don't see any reason why (the weinsteins) would not showcase it there.
Some other updates: I mentioned on the front page already that Turkey looks likes it's headed for an October 24th release.

I just got word that India might be headed for a November 28th premiere, so I'll be keeping an eye on that to see if there's any official mention of it.

you would think with comic con on the horizon they would play it there to get the superhero geeks all hyped up on a sci fi/horror flick. the exposure there would be huge and i don't see any reason why (the weinsteins) would not showcase it there.

While it may not be the weinstein's involved, the film will be playing at the pretty huge Fantasy Filmfest in Germany in August so expect some good exposure there at least.
About Latvia

Little information for you folks, not that it matter much to any one of you, but still :)
The movies here are shown in original language and have latvian AND russian subtitles being displayed at the same time. The thing is, after USSR occupied this country (Latvia), they brought in many russian speaking colonists, after the collapse of USSR many of russian speaking folks didnt bother to learn latvian language, thus youll see russian subtitles added to latvian ones in cinemas here. Sorry for bit off-topic and politics, but that was meant to make things clear about those subtitles :)! Cant wait to see this movie, concept - I LOVE IT! Im not going to make it on 11th, but im surely going to it later!
Thank you guys!
Little information for you folks, not that it matter much to any one of you, but still :)
The movies here are shown in original language and have latvian AND russian subtitles being displayed at the same time. The thing is, after USSR occupied this country (Latvia), they brought in many russian speaking colonists, after the collapse of USSR many of russian speaking folks didnt bother to learn latvian language, thus youll see russian subtitles added to latvian ones in cinemas here. Sorry for bit off-topic and politics, but that was meant to make things clear about those subtitles :)! Cant wait to see this movie, concept - I LOVE IT! Im not going to make it on 11th, but im surely going to it later!
Thank you guys!

Thanks for the info, it's interesting to read. Have you seen any publicity for the film in latvia? Is there any indication that the movie is for sure coming out there this weekend? Please let us know if you do get to go see it. We would love to hear your impressions.

EDIT: Maybe you can help us with something too. The Latvian title of the movie is Atnācējs, which I blieve translates as "arrival" or "incomer." Which makes sense in someways. But What is the point of the tagline on this Banner from the Latvian distributors site?


Nearest I can translate it is "Arrival Date, Whenever he Arrives"
Speaking of release dates, It does seem like the Latvian release tommorow is definite. If you are in Latvia, head to this link to *BUY YOUR TICKETS ONLINE NOW*

Wow... Hopefull we'll get some real impressions soon. I expect lots to report on in the next few days.

It is showing all week in the city of Riga five times a day, and has six showings Friday and Saturday Starting just before noon.
hi from latvia

i was sorta shocked to find out that we basicaly have the premiere here [not to mention cannes of course]. why??? seriously?!

the tagline is kinda dumb - as all taglines for that matter - it translates to "the day will come, when he arrives"... yeah :)
and it looks like like some poor kid just opened a photoshop... oh well
we don't really have the equivalent of the word "outlander"

the thing is I SAW THE MOVIE YESTERDAY and it's GOOD - like the best movie of the wiking era i can think off! *story really well thought through, *it had an excelent mix of action and drama, *the monster actually had a story (!), *James Caviezel was convincing and other actors did a great job too!
i give the movie a solid 8/10! :)
[i gave the ironman - 9/10, so yeah it's really that nice :). come to think of it - this is the second best movie i've seen this summer so far!]
i was sorta shocked to find out that we basicaly have the premiere here [not to mention cannes of course]. why??? seriously?!

the tagline is kinda dumb - as all taglines for that matter - it translates to "the day will come, when he arrives"... yeah :)
and it looks like like some poor kid just opened a photoshop... oh well
we don't really have the equivalent of the word "outlander"

the thing is I SAW THE MOVIE YESTERDAY and it's GOOD - like the best movie of the wiking era i can think off! *story really well thought through, *it had an excelent mix of action and drama, *the monster actually had a story (!), *James Caviezel was convincing and other actors did a great job too!
i give the movie a solid 8/10! :)
[i gave the ironman - 9/10, so yeah it's really that nice :). come to think of it - this is the second best movie i've seen this summer so far!]

that's nice to hear that you thought it was good. as far as you can tell, what was the general reaction of other movie goers and how was the special effects, specifically the monster?
hi from latvia

special effects on the monster were somewhat... emm... well i've seen better. but it didn't really matter - monster looked really otherworldly and the designer deserves some sort of award for it. the monster had some sort of weird emotional appeal to him, besides being very scary... :D
regarding reaction - it's actually really hard to tell with stiff crowds we have here :) , there were some "wow" and sort of awe moments in the air at some points during the movie. and after it, while running downstairs i heard people discussing and saying that they liked it :)
there were no walkouts, and the crowd was rather quiet during the movie - i guess it was sufficiently interesting :)
I NEED to know when Outlander will be shown in Germany (apart from Fantasy Film Fest, don't know if I'll have the money to travel to Stuttgart just for this movie... :/)!
special effects on the monster were somewhat... emm... well i've seen better. but it didn't really matter - monster looked really otherworldly and the designer deserves some sort of award for it. the monster had some sort of weird emotional appeal to him, besides being very scary... :D
regarding reaction - it's actually really hard to tell with stiff crowds we have here :) , there were some "wow" and sort of awe moments in the air at some points during the movie. and after it, while running downstairs i heard people discussing and saying that they liked it :)
there were no walkouts, and the crowd was rather quiet during the movie - i guess it was sufficiently interesting :)

i was sorta shocked to find out that we basicaly have the premiere here [not to mention cannes of course]. why??? seriously?!

the tagline is kinda dumb - as all taglines for that matter - it translates to "the day will come, when he arrives"... yeah :)
and it looks like like some poor kid just opened a photoshop... oh well
we don't really have the equivalent of the word "outlander"

the thing is I SAW THE MOVIE YESTERDAY and it's GOOD - like the best movie of the wiking era i can think off! *story really well thought through, *it had an excelent mix of action and drama, *the monster actually had a story (!), *James Caviezel was convincing and other actors did a great job too!
i give the movie a solid 8/10! :)
[i gave the ironman - 9/10, so yeah it's really that nice :). come to think of it - this is the second best movie i've seen this summer so far!]

Wow, awesome! I'm glad you liked it.

I think it was a matter of opportunity. Acme grabbed the rights and basically it was open season when The Weinsteins let the spring slip through their fingers.

Just another note, I won't insist anyone register but at the very least it makes a conversation easier to follow if you put in a name, especially if there are more than one "unregistered" poster in the same thread.
release dates in France and Spain?


I was part of the fx crew and I'm currently on vacation in Spain and France. Any idea if Outlander has been released in either of these countries? I was looking through your site, but I couldn't find an answer.



I was part of the fx crew and I'm currently on vacation in Spain and France. Any idea if Outlander has been released in either of these countries? I was looking through your site, but I couldn't find an answer.



Spain is a TBA for december. France had originally looked at releasing in august but that didn't happen either. I'm not sure what their current plan is in france. It seems a lot of places are holding off until the Weinsteins decide to tell us what they're doing.

As far as I know Latvia and Kuwait are some of the only countries that have opened the film so far. It's going to be in lithuania and Russia in the next couple of weeks. It's potentially playing in the WT OS int. film festival in Norway at the start of November as well.

Sorry I couldn't help more. Thanks for stopping by, and please enjoy your vacation.