Regs, Maniac, and so forth

oke wait i never said THAT

they just kinda look the same, so the idea poped up that the stilleto might be a cheaper low-tech version of Mstar
The one thing that seems the most important to remember is that Maniac is like 50 by Prophecy, and I dont know how that works but I dont think they let 50 year old people in active combat service. If they are its usually because they have been promoted high enough that they are in a command capacity or behind a desk somewhere not on a ship.
If you really care, I found the information on the Stiletto at Scott's Privateer Page (too bad I'm too stupid to know how to do links). You may find it interesting:

'The Stiletto is the fastest ship in the game and is the eventual result of the "Morningstar Project"(Special Operations 2). It is extremely agile, but it has very flimsy armor. It is better than a Talon, and can be very dangerous in the hands of a skilled confed pilot'.

Well, at least part of it is right.
Yeah, the Morningstar = Stiletto thing has been out there for quite a while -- I'm just not sure why anybody thought it up (G) (It's *not* true:)).

Maniac is, circa Secret Ops, no longer an active duty pilot. He had turned 50 during Prophecy.
Did they say that after he became responsible for readying Confed for the next bug attack that he wouldnt be returning to a cockpit?
According to the Prophecy Gold manual, Maniac's in charge of speaking to the senate and press and such about military preparedness.
Not my point. Point is, Marshall would have been dismissed a good five or more years before Prophecy. "Excessive time in grade," as I have been saying. In fact, it is a wonder he was still on active duty during WC4.
Well... he has actually been promoted above Major before... He just ended up back at Major :) Also, it's rather difficult to fire a major hero of the Kilrathi war without a bit of complaint.

But it didnt say that he wasnt going to end up back in a cockpit when the time came. Are we just assuming that since he IS 50 and not a Colonel? Seems like thered be time for him to attend some leadership classes before then. Experience like his is to valuable if they dont care about the age thing. Considering that his flying skills havent slowed down any.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
According to the Prophecy Gold manual, Maniac's in charge of speaking to the senate and press and such about military preparedness.
Maniac? In the Senate? Kinda hard to believe he would do anything like that, at least willingly...I mean, he hinted that he'd like to join the ranks of Paladin, but that was before Taggart became a Senator...Maniac's 50 years old, yet in some ways it seems he hasn' aged a day since WingI. He's still a lone wolf, still likes to be out there in the thick of it. But he's not used to the responcibilities of a squadron commander. That's why was a major for so long, and failed utterly when made into a commander. Great pilots do not always make great leaders. If you remember, in Prophecy he advises Casey to take the medals, not the promotions.

Maniac's just a free spirit, flying solo into whole enemy fleets - and surviving. He's the type that'l stay in the cockpit as long as Confed'll let 'em. I wonder if they can really keep someone like Marshall away from the thick of battle for long?
My guess is that they took a look at Maniacs personality/psych profile and put a big rubber stamp on his file "NOT TO COMMAND UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!".

His excellent combat record means that they will probably bend a few rules to keep him around, but he will never be promoted to Colonel and put in charge of a fighter squadron.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
If you have the CD version of Academy, it's in a .pdf file.

And THAT, my dear sir, is the point. I don't have
the Academy CD. I have WC1-P and Privateer, but
not the Academy Cd. Oh well, something else
to watch for on E-bay...


Brian P.
Originally posted by Dekkar
Then sometime later when his promotion finally came through, he was fighting with the Border Worlds.

I'm sure Blair was saying that only to cheer him up (and for the benefit of the audience/player.

I find it amusing that there's a rule that if someone has been in a rank for too long, he/she is fired.

And funny how Confed was going to promote Maniac to Colonel before he took the Wild Eagles job.

Did Maniac ever reach Colonel? I thought he only ever got Lt Colonel.
What's amusing about excessive time in grade? The idea behind it is that if you haven't been peforming at a level which would warrant promotion, the military is better off without you.
I am a bit confused. In SO2 when you meet mAniac and his test squadron was he a (Lt.) Colonel? I thought he was a Major?