Recommended reading?


1st Lieutenant
I've been craving some wing commander-like space combat lately, as I've been re-playing all of the games (in order...and let me say, damn these games have aged well).

Any ideas on some good fiction to read in the same vein as WC (outside of the actual WC novels)? I really like the whole "WW2 in space" deal with carriers and the like. I've read the Star Carrier series which scratches that itch, but I'm wondering what else is out there...
If you've never read the Honor Harrington series by David Weber, I'd recommend that. In some ways its more analogous to the Napoleonic Wars in space, but its still a fabulous series with a deep military backstory.
One of my favorites considering how he generates much of his source material (not WW2 but historical nods):

David Drake's Hammer's Slammers.'s_Slammers
Space Above and Beyond had a couple of novels, done by Peter Telep (who later on did the WC movie novel and its spinoffs)
The Honor Harrington series by David Webber is really good. Conqueror's Triology by Timothy Zahn. The Seafort Saga by David Feintuch
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