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Finder of things, Doer of stuff
Because LeHah asked:





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Obiously not a rapier but these next ones are interesting anyway:






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Wow, so Nokia is still around in the 27th century. :D

Seriously, it canon now. Wonder what other things they make.

Really this kind of reminds of the GM logo on the trucks in the Earth 2 series.
Well... why woudn't Nokia still exist in the 27th century? If we don't have a problem with WC characters tracing their ancestors back to the 20th century - heck, some of them even much further - then why would we have a problem with a 19th century company (named after the city where it was founded) continuing to exist in the 27th century?

(the use of its 1999 logo, of course, is an entirely different issue. The logo has changed... a bit... since its 19th century original, so it's safe to assume it'll change a lot more before the 27th century)
neat cockpit I'd love to see something like that in a game someday. Cockpits in flight-sims get so much love, I guess because they're actually, you know, *simulating* a real-world analogue...but can't a space-sim get just a *bit* of that love too?
No problem with the use of it, it just seems like that was either deliberate (eg built-in advertising) or accidental (or something missed during early prop production) rather then a conscious decision in planning stages.

That sure seems to be one long lived company, though.
No problem with the use of it, it just seems like that was either deliberate (eg built-in advertising) or accidental (or something missed during early prop production) rather then a conscious decision in planning stages.

That sure seems to be one long lived company, though.

Thats what it seemed like to me to. I have a sort of semi problem with it. Though I'll concede my argument is full of holes. How many companies have been around for more then 200 years?
The Nokia logo was clearly visible in the movie itself and was remarked upon in some reviews. You see it during the introduction when you hear the 'Privateer 2' sound cameo.

It was intentional product placement--"Nokia Display Products" is credited in the 'Additional thanks to' block of the published credits. Showing the logo was likely a requirement of some deal to rent the various monitors seen in the film at a lower price.

Interestingly, the recent Star Trek relaunch film featured an even more noticeable Nokia logo product placement (on Kirk's car phone, also during the introduction). Someone in Nokia's licensing office must be a geek for this kind of stuff.
The Nokia logo was clearly visible in the movie itself and was remarked upon in some reviews. You see it during the introduction when you hear the 'Privateer 2' sound cameo.

It was intentional product placement--"Nokia Display Products" is credited in the 'Additional thanks to' block of the published credits. Showing the logo was likely a requirement of some deal to rent the various monitors seen in the film at a lower price.

Interestingly, the recent Star Trek relaunch film featured an even more noticeable Nokia logo product placement (on Kirk's car phone, also during the introduction). Someone in Nokia's licensing office must be a geek for this kind of stuff.

On top of that - unless I missunderstood - *all* of the displays in the movie are actual Nokia LCDs which was unusual at the time since LCDs were still pretty much relegated to laptops at that point.
I actually liked the use of the Nokia brand in the Star Trek reboot. It is a nice way of making the future world seem that little bit more real while also not having to explain exactly what something is, like in 'The Island' where they used American Express for the credit card. With the name on it, it is instantly obvious what it is, even if it doesn't look like it's 21st century counterpart.
Thats what it seemed like to me to. I have a sort of semi problem with it. Though I'll concede my argument is full of holes. How many companies have been around for more then 200 years?

There is a Wikipedia page on this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oldest_corporations There are more than 800 companies in Germany alone than have been in continuous existence for more than 200 years. They show Japan has more than 20,000 corporations that are more than 100 years old. Japan seems to have had the longest running, a construction firm dating back to 578 AD that was absorbed by another company in 2006. It had some kind of 40-generation family history of ownership.

I know Beretta is another big one. They celebrate their five hundredth anniversary in 16 years. You'll occasionally see "Since 1526" on a variety of company promo material, and the company is still owned by a Berettta family member that descends from the original founder. So yeah, Nokia could very easily still exist in WC's time.
I remember reading about that. Fascinating that - while it's most famous for its video game consoles today - it was established long before in industries completely unrelated to video gaming.

I'm pretty sure I still have a pack of Nintendo playing cards somewhere.
There is a Wikipedia page on this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oldest_corporations There are more than 800 companies in Germany alone than have been in continuous existence for more than 200 years. They show Japan has more than 20,000 corporations that are more than 100 years old. Japan seems to have had the longest running, a construction firm dating back to 578 AD that was absorbed by another company in 2006. It had some kind of 40-generation family history of ownership.

I know Beretta is another big one. They celebrate their five hundredth anniversary in 16 years. You'll occasionally see "Since 1526" on a variety of company promo material, and the company is still owned by a Berettta family member that descends from the original founder. So yeah, Nokia could very easily still exist in WC's time.

Here in Canada, the Hudson Bay Company has been around since 1660-70...
Neural Net - is that a reference to the Freelancer Neural Net?

Do you really have to ask? :) Post-production on the Wing Commander movie was done in 1998 when Freelancer was barely an idea. Roberts left Digital Anvil after the movie came out, and Freelancer was then restarted from scratch before it eventually came out in 2003. So no, nothing in the movie is even remotely a reference to Freelancer.
Do you really have to ask? :) Post-production on the Wing Commander movie was done in 1998 when Freelancer was barely an idea. Roberts left Digital Anvil after the movie came out, and Freelancer was then restarted from scratch before it eventually came out in 2003. So no, nothing in the movie is even remotely a reference to Freelancer.

I actually had no idea when Freelancer came out, so thanks for letting me know! I owned and played a used copy long after it had been released with absolutely no idea that it was connected to Wing Commander at all until I picked up Starlancer sometime later.
I don't know if it's just me who's bothered by why is he hitting the Navigation switch when he's trying to bounce a signal...I mean...wouldn't it make sense for him to click transceiver switches?