Question regarding music

The Phantom

Hey guys! Just one question, where can I find MP3's for the music that isn't listed on this wonderful site? There are several songs from WCII, SO1, and SO2, that I'd like to get, but they aren't available here. Perhaps someone can help? Thanks in advance
You ever try, Audiogalaxy, Kazaa, Winmx, or Morpheus? They all are good music download programs. That is my suggestion, see what the others say.

Apparently the CIC's music section is a bit of mess, it's supposed to get a cleaning in the northern hemisphere's summer.

If you're looking for something specific, just post it here.
Alas, that's one song I've never found either, MIDI or MP3. That's the 'depressed' sounding version of the Kilrathi theme, right?