Question about mission briefings.


Vice Admiral
Since you have revealed the FMV CG heads to us now, I was wondering if the briefings would be done in the WC2 style, with Bradshaw talking and periodic close ups of the map on the wall? Or will it be like the old ICIS briefings in SO?
ICIS-style, but instead of a computer voice, you'll have Bradshaw talking (in the prologue - in the main campaign, it will be Reismann explaining the mission to Bradshaw).
FMV cutscenes for briefings? You want it released by the 23rd, right? :P

But, on that note (since I'm as far from a programmer this team has) - is the ICIS even replacable, code-wise?
Tempest said:
But, on that note (since I'm as far from a programmer this team has) - is the ICIS even replacable, code-wise?
Yeah, easily. Just need to omit the RunBriefing line in the mission code, and replace it by a line that runs a movie.
PopsiclePete said:
Yeah, easily. Just need to omit the RunBriefing line in the mission code, and replace it by a line that runs a movie.

Maybe something like that could be done in the decisive Episode 5 missions.
These days, I can't find the strength to even think about episode 5 :p.

Good news is, I've got just about all the prologue voiceovers numbered (which is the most time-consuming part of the conversion process). Provided I don't fall asleep on the keyboard, it's quite possible that by the end of today, we will be only four-five lines short of a fully-converted set. Still a lot of work, though - remember those 400-something voiceovers I mentioned previously? Well, I need to reconvert all of them, because in the meantime Tempest applied some filters to them (to make them sound a bit more like WCP comms). But we're getting there.
Probably not worth the hassle of coding one movie for each briefing... the movies aren't as versatile as the ICIS briefings.

What I would like to have done, but eventually gave up on, are FMV "intros" to briefings, like in WCP where you'd see the CAG talking to the pilots for a while, and *then* get the ICIS screen. The idea was to make it like the early missions in WC4... Bradshaw walks in, Reismann talks some chit-chat, then they look down at the map table, and the ICIS would kick in.
Still, I think that´s a good idea for Ep. 5. Don´t worry, Quarto, I´ll remind you when we get there.

BTW, any chances of a new patch this week?
No more patches now. We should have a full package (maybe with the installer already?) no later than saturday, then another full package just before the release, fixing whatever bugs we have introduced by then. :p
Actually, contrary to what Eder said, I'm desperately hoping to have a patch done earlier than saturday - I don't like the fact that you two betas have been sitting for a week with the same version. However, most likely saturday is when the patch will be done. It's already wednesday today, after all.
well. i got an idea. after the project's done<all episodes> and if<big if> you have spare time then why not have an optional patch for FMV briefings
Standoff is remarkably bug free compared to UE. Besides the mission that doesn't work at all, I seem to only be capable of breaking stuff by cheating and killing stuff that cannot be killed regulary.
Karl?? Hey, my beta twin from Austria!!

I´ll start *working* tonight. Hopefully we´ll have lots of work for Quarto next week! :D
Yeah, you better... not :p.

It is my hope that this version will be very bug-free... but I suspect it unfortunately won't, because with so many small changes made to the game, there's bound to be some issues popping up somewhere.

Still, I don't think we'll have trouble squashing them all before Standoff's D-Day.