Q's Wedding Thread


Unknown Enemy
As some of you may know, last saturday I changed my marital status :). At the moment, I'm too busy with housecleaning and things like that (...and preparing for our honeymoon trip, which starts tomorrow) to post at the forum, but I wanted to share a couple of photos from the wedding ceremony :).

Here's a bit of a description for the attached photos:
1. A shot of me and Karolina at her parents' home - I've just arrived, and we're about to go to the church together.
2. Me, my bride, the groomsman and bridesmaid in the car outside the church - unfortunately, the weather was miserable that day, but we really didn't mind at all.
3. Being limited to five attachments per post, I unfortunately had to skip the photos of us saying the vows - but here's my wife putting the ring on my finger.
4. And here's us leaving the church together as husband and wife after the ceremony.
5. Finally, a shot of me carrying my wife into the wedding reception :). In most countries, there is a custom of the husband carrying his wife over the doorstep of their new home - but since these days, the reception almost always takes place somewhere else, the husband also gets to carry his wife into the reception. Even if it means going up two flights of stairs :).


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Very nice pictures and sincere congratulations on getting married!

Incidentally, three weeks ago I attented to a wedding of a friend in Poland (Wloclawek).

Edit: Oh, and: have a nice honeymoon trip!
Congratulations on your wedding, and may you have many years. (And i think we are very, very lucky you finished standoff before the wedding...)
Yeah, getting Standoff finished in time for the wedding was a major, major issue. Once things get settled down, my wife will certainly not mind me working on mods, but had Standoff not been done by then, it would have been delayed by at least two months.

(though maybe the extra testing time would have been helpful :p )

Incidentally, three weeks ago I attented to a wedding of a friend in Poland (Wloclawek).
Heh, I visit there relatively often, one of my grandmothers lives there. I suppose there's not much chance either of us would have had time to meet up, but it's a pity you didn't let me know you'll be visiting Poland - would always be fun to meet another WC fan in person :).
Congrats! By coincidence I was actually at a wedding on the same day...so I was with you in spirit Q!

No drinking? I would have figured after Standoff you would have had quite a bit to drink :p
Heh, I visit there relatively often, one of my grandmothers lives there. I suppose there's not much chance either of us would have had time to meet up, but it's a pity you didn't let me know you'll be visiting Poland - would always be fun to meet another WC fan in person :).

Yeah, sorry I didn't think about that. But you were right anyway, we really had little time: arrived on friday late afternoon, there was a reception in the evening, saturday afternoon was the wedding and we had to catch the train to Warsaw at 9 o'clock in the morning on sunday. Which was too bad because we had to leave the wedding already at 2 am and were of course, some of the first to go. The feast wasn't even finished! We stayed at the Viktoria which was very nice.

Anyway, we absolutely intent to return to Poland for at least a week, probably make some sort of tour, and I'll tell you then. :)
Congratulations! You two are a beautiful couple. And your wife must be very understanding and love you very much to marry someone that spends so much of their time creating fantastic mods of vintage video games! :-)

I hope you enjoy the honeymoon and many long and happy years together!
Yeah, getting Standoff finished in time for the wedding was a major, major issue. Once things get settled down, my wife will certainly not mind me working on mods, but had Standoff not been done by then, it would have been delayed by at least two months.

Congratulations Quarto, it sounds you got quite a woman. Have some fun on the honeymoon. ;);) You really deserve it.

And enjoy the brief retirement from WC modding. :D

*Seriously, you won't be able to stay away...you're addicted. ;)