Unknown Enemy
Late last night, I was able to play the second Torgo mission...
Nice to finally see (heh) Strakha. The way the story built up towards the Strakha encounter was pretty nice as well, although I got the impression that the briefing was a little too coy - no one knows what's going on out there, black hole, yadayadayada. Those were the facts, of course - but I would expect the briefing to also tell me that it's likely stealth fighters are at the heart of the problem. I mean, this is hardly the first time we see stealth fighters in a Wing Commander game - so it seems pretty fake that nobody tells you what to expect. Especially since later during the mission, they have no trouble figuring out what's going on.
Similarly, I like the *idea* of making so much of a fuss about Stalker. I like the fact that he gets beaten off, only to try to ambush you again when you're all alone. The whole dogfight with him is pretty cool - sure, you quickly notice that his Strakha can sustain a lot more damage than anyone else's, but you don't really mind it. I even like the notion that you have to goad him into decloaking in the first place, except for one detail: having to taunt him in Kilrathi doesn't fit in with the rest of the encounter. Think about it - when Avatarr taunts him in Kilrathi, Stalker... responds in English. This would have worked just fine, had you recorded a complete new set of Kilrathi-only taunts for Stalker (and maybe called him something else, so as not to have to deal with people saying "I heard Stalker in WC3, and that ain't him!"). But under these circumstances, it would have been better to drop the Kilrathi language thing, and just have Avatarr come up with a more insulting insult than what Sandman says.
There is, by the way, an odd kind of inconsistency, generated by the fact that you first take out the Kilrathi strike force, and only then do you go on to fight the stealth fighters: at the rate they're shooting down the Hellcats, it seems like they spend 95% of their time watching and, well, stalking, and only 5% of their time actually shooting. Anywhere else, this would be fine... but when two capships are about to be torpedoed into oblivion, it seems odd that the Strakha wouldn't intervene more directly in the battle, even at the risk of being exposed. Unless the Kilrathi consider a stealth fighter to be more precious than a destroyer - which is, of course, possible, given how few Strakha we see out there. But if that's the case, it probably would have been better for someone to point it out during the mission, rather than leaving the player to wonder about it (not that most players would, of course
And finally, the obvious complaint: so, we encounter four pilots from another squadron and... they're all jerks. Does Confed actually have any non-asshole squadrons in Saga? I'd sure love to see one...
Nice to finally see (heh) Strakha. The way the story built up towards the Strakha encounter was pretty nice as well, although I got the impression that the briefing was a little too coy - no one knows what's going on out there, black hole, yadayadayada. Those were the facts, of course - but I would expect the briefing to also tell me that it's likely stealth fighters are at the heart of the problem. I mean, this is hardly the first time we see stealth fighters in a Wing Commander game - so it seems pretty fake that nobody tells you what to expect. Especially since later during the mission, they have no trouble figuring out what's going on.
Similarly, I like the *idea* of making so much of a fuss about Stalker. I like the fact that he gets beaten off, only to try to ambush you again when you're all alone. The whole dogfight with him is pretty cool - sure, you quickly notice that his Strakha can sustain a lot more damage than anyone else's, but you don't really mind it. I even like the notion that you have to goad him into decloaking in the first place, except for one detail: having to taunt him in Kilrathi doesn't fit in with the rest of the encounter. Think about it - when Avatarr taunts him in Kilrathi, Stalker... responds in English. This would have worked just fine, had you recorded a complete new set of Kilrathi-only taunts for Stalker (and maybe called him something else, so as not to have to deal with people saying "I heard Stalker in WC3, and that ain't him!"). But under these circumstances, it would have been better to drop the Kilrathi language thing, and just have Avatarr come up with a more insulting insult than what Sandman says.
There is, by the way, an odd kind of inconsistency, generated by the fact that you first take out the Kilrathi strike force, and only then do you go on to fight the stealth fighters: at the rate they're shooting down the Hellcats, it seems like they spend 95% of their time watching and, well, stalking, and only 5% of their time actually shooting. Anywhere else, this would be fine... but when two capships are about to be torpedoed into oblivion, it seems odd that the Strakha wouldn't intervene more directly in the battle, even at the risk of being exposed. Unless the Kilrathi consider a stealth fighter to be more precious than a destroyer - which is, of course, possible, given how few Strakha we see out there. But if that's the case, it probably would have been better for someone to point it out during the mission, rather than leaving the player to wonder about it (not that most players would, of course

And finally, the obvious complaint: so, we encounter four pilots from another squadron and... they're all jerks. Does Confed actually have any non-asshole squadrons in Saga? I'd sure love to see one...