PTC Deactivated?

It's also somewhat of an ignorant thing to complain about in the first place -- it shows a profound lack of understanding of the effect the Great War had on these countries. The fact that nations were so horrified by what happened that they were willing to make an effort towards demilitarization speaks amazingly *well* of the era... it was an effort at something very positive, not something that's laughably ironic.
Germany did not abide by the treaty, because it was not a signatory of the Washington Treaty (...or the London Treaty). Germany's rearmament was limited by an entirely different treaty (Versailles) - and when Germany started rearming, it did so with the permission of the UK.

You're right, I didn't specify that I was talking about the Versailles treaty. I think the reconstruction of the U-boat fleet was in secret, though.

It forced them to convert some of their battleships and cruisers in production into carriers? Wow, that's really a terribly harmful thing to happen right before WWII. I'm sure the US and UK would have had a much easier time winning the war if they had less carriers and more battleships

I think that the change to carriers was already well underway throughout the '30s, and the power of the carrier was well known by '41, since it was the goal of the Pearl Harbor raid to destroy the carriers of TF 71, not a bunch of old battleships.