Prophecy - The music


I'm wondering, I'm not an english speaking guy so sometime I have a hard-time understanding what the signers say in some of the songs of the album. For an example I was thinking about "prophecy" by Cobalt 60. Does anyone know where to find the lyrics of this song ?
I went a'looking for the lyrics (I knew them at one time) but couldn't find them anywhere. All I can remember is the lyric "I wish I hadn't been chosen as the weakness of the curse of my universe"
The images were clear
I know what I’ve been taught
it’s almost here
I have no doubt
I wish I hadn’t been the channel
the [bringer] of omens
I wish I hadn’t been chosen
as the [witness of the ghosts of my enemies]
Of the world I knew there was nothing left
in the flow of time [grew] a giant theft
it was very clear
and it’s almost here
Here [comes the] time to harvest what we seeded
and to confront the monster’s [revenge]
my past is overwhelmed, my words be [heathen]
what I have to say, I said
Prophecy, prophecy
You have to tell them what you saw
you have to tell them what you saw
and what they make of that, is what [belongs] to you
and what they make of that, is what [belongs] to you
You have to tell them what you saw
you have to tell them what you saw
Here [comes the] time to harvest what we seeded
and to confront the monster’s [revenge]
my past is overwhelmed, my words be [heathen]
what I have to say, I said
Prophecy, prophecy
cff said:
...and to confront the monster’s [revenge]...
I take it you wrote this as you heard it, cff? I hear "confront the monsters we've fed", but anyway, it's all garbled to me. :/
Nope. I took it from the web. But I think that person wrote it down as he heard it, jup. There doesn't seem to be anything close to an official webpage or lyrics page for Cobalt 60
Very gloomy lyrics indeed. Quite well fitting in the general mood of the storyline. A job well done. And it's interesting how this soundtrack is completelly different from those in WC1-4.
Wedge009 said:
I take it you wrote this as you heard it, cff? I hear "confront the monsters we've fed", but anyway, it's all garbled to me. :/

Ditto on the "we've fed" line.
Edfilho said:
And it's interesting how this soundtrack is completelly different from those in WC1-4.

That's what they were aiming for. But they still used orchestral music for most of the game - those were available on the radio option. Only on WCSO did they use the cobalt musico n the game itself.