Prophecy in unusual resolutions

Kevin Caccamo

Rear Admiral
I've been playing around with Pedro OpenGL patch for WCP/SO and I've ran it in a few unusual resolutions, like 868x651 or 720x540.

To run your Prophecy/SO in unusual resolutions, download the patch here. Make sure you have a GENUINE (as in from the CD) exe file, or else the patch will not work.

Randomize a multiple of 4, then write it down or put it into short-term memory. Then divide this number by 4 and multiply it by 3. Then write it down or put it into short-term memory.

Then, open up the OpenGL config program and type in the first number as the width and the second number as the height.

And don't worry, it will look fine. Please post what resolution you are running WCP/SO with and maybe a screenshot.

BTW, Here I am, running Prophecy in 868x651: