prophecy advance movie!!

1.8 megs is big enough... You want dialup users to be able to download it somewhat casually... and it definately takes up a lot bandwidth wise when gaming mags and websites end up pointing at it...
But when companies do that they usually atleast let subscription services like ign or gamespot have a higher quality version (prays for ign exclusive)
Originally posted by Pedro
Possible, it baffles me why on earth they'd choose such low quality video, aren't they trying to promote their games?

Look at the rest of their stuff.. it's all similar quality. It's meant for streaming, and they don't have the bandwidth of some of the dedicated gaming places.
Originally posted by TC
1.8 megs is big enough... You want dialup users to be able to download it somewhat casually... and it definately takes up a lot bandwidth wise when gaming mags and websites end up pointing at it...

Yeah.. those raylight videos weren't big.. but get enough people interested.. and boom, a few dozen gigs have been transferred.
You definitely want dial-up users to download it. There's no way I'd download 18 MB just for a trailer like the one for the original WCP mentioned in the news.
when is this game going to be released??
for as far as I know it wasa december 18th but I haven't seen it so Í'm guessing it's been delayed.
That was the release date at KB Toys... they seem to just make them up, as they originally had some random day in November listed as the release date... Nintendo has the release listed as January 2003, and a bunch of other sites agree with that, but I don't think destination has actually set a date... Actually someone could just e-mail them and ask... I think I might do that tommorow.
damn I can still remember me jumping up and down after seeing those first screenshots a year ago (it was called star giants back then) and the closer we get to the release the harder it gets to wait untill I can slide the cartridge down my afterburnered GBA :D

It's going to be quite a challenge not to try out the inevetable rom release of the game (I hate roms *blegh*).

Q: How is Prophecy related to Star Giants?
A: Star Giants is now Wing Commander Prophecy. It is being heavily modifed to resemble WCP, including full translation into 3D. You can find some incredibly Wing Commander-ific looking Star Giants screenshots here (remember this is from the old engine).
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