Prologue for Mac OS X Released!


Vice Admiral
There it is: Mac OS X version of the Wing Commander Saga Prologue is available for download! If you experience any problems, please notify us immediately.

It should be noted that we have moved our resources to a new high speed server. Our domain will be transfered to our new host shortly. Normally it will take up to 24 hours for the change to come into effect. Most registrars update the root DNS servers once per day.

After the root servers are updated it may take another 24 to 48 hours for the change to propagate across the rest of the Internet. During this period traffic for wcsaga domain may or may not reach our server.

At any rate, I hope all of you enjoy Prologue as much as I do, and I hope all of you stick around for "The Darkest Dawn". It's going to be a wild ride.

Download (Mac OS X Installer, 275 MB)
What are the minimum requirements to run the X version? I'm on a fairly old machine, but even if I can run it at the minimum settings it would be great. Although I have a feeling this machine may be a bit too slow.

G3 iMac 500 MHz
I am not really familiar with Mac, but I guess that you should be able to run it. Keep in mind though, that the binary is designed for Mac OS 10.4+
Son of a...

My machine is limited to 10.3.9 because it is a G3.

All the more reason to get a new one now.
"The Darkest Dawn" has been a working title for the full Saga campaign. I actually don't know if it still is, to tell the truth. :)
Son of a...

My machine is limited to 10.3.9 because it is a G3.

All the more reason to get a new one now.

I have an iBook G3 running 10.4 without problems. But maybe you have an old PowerMac which is not supported anymore. But it is not a matter of your CPU :-)

Anyway, this thing needs somewhat more power, so a new Mac is an option :-)
heh. The olny use left for the G3s (or mine anyway) is running OS 9 apps since classic enviroment for OSX SUCKS! :rolleyes: . My G5 1.8 ghz ,1 G ram 64MB nvida graphics card works well for the freespace 2 port.

BTW - with those specs for the G3 you don't have a chance of running freespace anyway

Works flawlessly on my Windows machine..err the windows version, on my new IMac i'm getting a lot of graphical coruption in the backgrounds and particle effects. When I get some free time I'll post some screenshots or something.
The menu keeps freezing whenever I try to accept changes. Anyone else having this problem. Other than that it looks really good, I haven't really had a chance to "play" it cuz the controls aren't responding either, but graphics look pretty good.

I'm on a mac pro by the way.
Works flawlessly on my Windows machine..err the windows version, on my new IMac i'm getting a lot of graphical coruption in the backgrounds and particle effects. When I get some free time I'll post some screenshots or something.

The Saga team can do very little to help you. Support for the Mac version is provided by the SCP developers in this thread

need a little help here ;)
i tried to download the OSX version, but when I get on the Gamershell download page, it says
Sorry, there are no mirrors available for this file in your area yet.
The download for the PC version works fine...
I´m from Germany but I don´t think it has something to do with that...
I also tried the second mirror for mac... but there is nothing on
If somebody could upluad it to another location... that would be great :D