Profile Help Please!!


Hey Can someone please tell me if theres a way that I can change my Name from Hawk to something else?
I dont want to make a new profile I did that once already and I want to get a rank sometime soon :)
If I need to make a new profile someone please tell me how to delete my old one. Thanks
Impossible. Neither this board nor the old Ultimate Bulletin Board allows you to change your user name. Your only option is registering a new account, from a different e-mail address.
If you ask the admins, they can do it (at least they can on UBBs, I'll assume they can do it on the vBoard as well).

Obviously the admins can on both the UBB and the VB... but as a rule, we don't. Before long we wouldn't be able to keep up with the requests.

You can't 'unregister', the only way would be having an admin delete your account. Which we wdon't do for the exact same reason.
I wonder what would happen to the posts that someone made if they had their account deleted (rank on posts changes to 'unregistered') and then someone signed up for that nick? Would they be attributed to the new owner of the nick?


[Edited by TC on 11-24-2000 at 18:18]
VBulletin works with unique records for users (by number), so even if someone else signed up with the same username, the record ID would still be unique to him. And the UBB works in the same way, but with regular files.
Hmm... The old UBB worked via Usernames, not numbers IIRC (until version 5.something I think... Which is probably the one you upgraded to earlier this year)

Every user had his own numbered .cgi file (ie 0000001.cgi) that contained the user profile (including the posting alias). It's probably always been like that. Besides that, the UBB doesn't maintain a close relation with the user files. The postcount is incremented when the user posts, and that's it. Actions like deleting threads and posts don't have any effect on it, so old posts could never be awarded to the new registrant.
Kris, how about only let a user change their username once every 6 months and only fufil say 10, 20 requests a month. Something like that.

Unless of course there's a way to let the user change their username themselves. Just seems a shame to have to force users to reregister if they want a different name ...
Because I have better things to do? :)

As for letting users change their alias themselves, that's never going to happen. Imagine some jackass acting stupid on the board, and changing his username all the time. That'd be extremely annoying for everyone, and it'd make it harder for us to keep track of said jackass.
Originally posted by TC
Hmm... The old UBB worked via Usernames, not numbers IIRC (until version 5.something I think... Which is probably the one you upgraded to earlier this year)


IIRC, the BLH's board still uses usernames, instead of numbers. It might have just been the demo board though, I can't remember. I can't decide what I like better. The UBB or the vboard. Both are pretty cool. Though, the vBoard has quicker load times.
Kris, you said that the baord keeps track of users by some sort of number. Is there no easy way to keep track of people like that? Probably not, else you'd be doing it ... oh well ... :)
I'm rather confused about what you just said... Why would Kris want to keep track of people?

Well, Kris said that it's hard to keep track of jackasses as one of the reasons to not let people change usernames. If there was an easy way to keep track of them, then I figure that the Admin would allow name changes ...
OK, I'm still rather confused about what you mean, as its not hard to keep track of people, no matter what... but

a) It doesn't matter, Kris isn't going to change people's usernames


b) No, there's nothing wrong with killer robots from Venus.
