Problem with Privateer 2. Please Help!!



I'm trying to play Privateer 2 The Darkening (DOS-Version) but I can't even install it, because it wouldn't detect my Soundcard. I have a Thunderbird 750, Riva TNT2, SoundBlaster AudioPCI 128. I would be very grateful if someone could help me. Thanks.
This will instruct you on how to install and play P2 from within a DOS window (Full-screen).

Open My Computer and right click on the CD-ROM drive that P2 is in. Choose Explore than right click on the Install.exe file. Choose Properties > Program tab > Advanced button. Check the "Prevent ms-dos base programs from detecting Windows" box and uncheck the "Suggest MS-DOS mode as necessary" box. Click okay, okay. Now double click the Install.exe file. You can now auto-detect the sound card and install this game.

Now you must now do the P2 patch. Once this has been done, right click on the C:\DARK\DARK.EXE file and choose "Copy". On the Desktop right click and choose "Paste Shortcut". Now as before right click on the shortcut you just created. Choose Properties > Program tab > Advanced button. Check the "Prevent ms-dos base programs from detecting Windows" box and uncheck the "Suggest MS-DOS mode as necessary" box. Click okay, okay. You can now play P2 within a DOS window. No extra Autoexec.bat and Config.sys files needed.

My brothers and I thank you very much for helping to get P2 running again. I have the original DOS drivers of Creative installed and this works to just my digital Joystick thought switched to analog doesn't work properly, the problem is that if i turn slowly left or down, the ship goes first in the other direction then in the one it should. Do you think installing the native DOS drivers should fix that? Or is that another problem. By the way i found a patch (p2radio.exe) do you know what that's doing??



(again, thanks)
First if you haven't alreally done so get the P2 Patch here:

While in flight mode hit "Alt-O". When you are in the calibration screen on the right there are instructions. Read them. Also in the Pilot Manual on page 5. You're suppose to get the square as small as possible without the ball going outside it. Use the - and + to decrease and increase the dead zone. I prefer my digital Joystick too.

p2radio.exe - No never hear of it.

[Edited by Johnl12 on 07-25-2001 at 23:17]
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Hey Orion,

Can you post a link to that p2radio.exe file. I think I know what it is but I want to check it out.

I know there is a Privateer 2 radio advertisement that ran in england. . .
Sorry that it took me so long to reply

thanks for your help John, but i have already tried that, it seems P2 can't cope with my Joystick (it's a Saitek Cyborg 3D), it seems i have to use my old one but i can't calibrate that one very good (have used it a lot).

Arcadian15: it is the advertisment, if you still want that link:


I'm having problems also. Whenever I play on the 2nd or 3rd disc it crashes whenever I try to make a landing on any planet. The 1st disc is just fine, but I know for a fact somethings wrong with my config.sys and autoexec.bat files because this happened a few years ago, do you guys know this kind of problem?
Originally posted by DragonRider
I'm having problems also. Whenever I play on the 2nd or 3rd disc it crashes whenever I try to make a landing on any planet. The 1st disc is just fine, but I know for a fact somethings wrong with my config.sys and autoexec.bat files because this happened a few years ago, do you guys know this kind of problem?
My machine will often lock when I try to land on Hermes or Hephaestus. How can I get around this problem?
Privateer 2: The Darkening has a problem on some machines when attempting to land on either Hermes or Hephaestus. Sometimes, when attempting to land, the game will play the landing movie, then lock-up at a black screen. The solution to the problem is to simply copy the SETS.IFF file from CD #1 to the installation directory. This will alleviate the problem and allow you to land normally.
My problem is similar to yours but mine is a bit worse, it locks up on all planets. Even before there is a landing movie, the game locks up, showing huge messed up dos messages that cant be read.

Another problem also in the 2nd and 3rd CD, the game will occasionally crash during flight, showing dos error messages text in orange. This happens whenever I get to the middle of the plot for some reason, and it occurs even after the main plot is finished.