Problem solved -- misc bugs in RF

Dire Wolf

Or at least understood.

Sometimes, when they talk and a new plot enemy appears that happens to be a mung bean (Salthi in the remake) the game crashes. Once just by itself, once it took WinXP Pro down with it.

Some sort of driver conflict is occuring.

Other notes on bugs.

In RF, the first mission Murphy sends you on is a set-up -- you get jumped by plot enemy bounty hunters. In the remake, I ended up with no hostiles at all on that sweep.

Made the mistake of talking to her twice on the Detroit mission, got the mission doubled of course.

With what looks like a cap at 100 (though I understand that -100 is not an actual cap, just the end of the displayed information) you can not build up a large amount of goodwill, but need to do resume curing more often.

With the large missions it is easier, though on medium (where I'm currently playing) 17 retros or 17 kilrathi can be a bit many.

Autotracking often makes it harder to hit ships when you are close -- I can outguess the enemy AI better than the autotracker.

Autotracking appears to use up equipment slots so that you can't get other things. And you can't sell it. I've decided to fly without the repair bot since it doesn't work anyway. In the original game I'd have never done that.

Still in the Demon, I enjoy it all to heck. Had been talk of putting a launcher on it for the expansion (adding another two ships, a Demon and a Dragon -- every fanboy wanted a Dragon, and everyone had a different definition, though it would have been between a Demon and a Centurion -- a light-heavy fighter with the Centurion taken out of play, to reduce the ramming game and make the changes not just more of an arms race).

Other things, in RF the demon doesn't seem to accept an engine upgrade (or have I missed something).

After all the complaints, fusion cannon suddenly started dropping like flies. Strange.

I much, much prefer the remake asteroids to the standard ones in privateer, though sometimes they appear to chase one too.
oops, autotracking doesn't seem to actually affect space.

Interesting, I had to choose between extra cargo space and other enhancements on my centurion.

Fusion cannon available at New Detroit.

Probably just random, but they are always available right after I've killed some Kilrathi.

Ready to try the RF Oxford missions in a Centurion. I like it -- and the change up in the graphics between the demon and the centurion.

Now, back to the manual to figure out how to use the tractor beam in the turrent. Doesn't automatically come up.
Dire Wolf said:
Fusion cannon available at New Detroit.
I can't understand why so many people seem to have trouble getting the fusion gun. I've been able to get it from numerous places including perry, new detroit, new constantinople and some smaller, more forgettable bases.
Just the random nature of availability I guess.

BTW, I find myself avoiding the betatest because I hate standard asteroids so much and like the way they are in 1.0 so much better.
maybe you should participate so you can help us make them better and more like you like them--we're accepting suggestions on the difficulty variable--right now it's at .22 rather than .33 already