Privateer2 in win98



Thanks in advance for any possible answers given.

I have recently received Priv2 Gold for windows9x. The game loads fine but it seems to be moving extremely fast. Too fast to play. I have a AMD Thunderbird processor with 1.0 Gig. Is there an easy way to slow down my processor speed to enjoy the game again? Please help. Thanks, Frank

Sorry, I meant to say that I have recentley received Privateer 2 Deluxe. I have read that Priv2 cannot be played on a processor speed above 300mhz. I guess that means I won't be playing Priv2 any time soon with my 1000mhz processor. Any ideas for downloadable utilities that enables you to slow your computer's processor speed would be appreciated. Thanks again.

There is a downloadable program utility on cnet. Just log onto cnet and under search type in "cpukiller". There is a shareware utility program that will allow you to slow your cpu speed and run Priv2 on highend systems. You have to have Winzip to unzip the file once it is downloaded. It works great. I use it to reduce my 1000ghz cpu speed by 8-12%. This will make the game playable. I hope this info helps those who have had the same issues I have. You will have to purchase the program for 15$ in order for it to be permanent. Otherwise it will only work for a while.
Yeah, CPU Killer works great, I've used this myself with Privateer 2. We have the shareware version linked from our Files section. (downloads are temporarily unavailable while Blacklance HQ switches servers)
I have a question....
You said that Privateer 2 cannot run on a processor that is over 300 mhz, so now you use the cpukiller to slow down your cpu speed. You reduced your speed "by" 8%-12% meaning that your speed should still be well over 300 mhz. Did you mean reduced "by" or reduced "to?" I ask this because it affects my decision to purchase Privateer 2.
He probably means "by." I remember that on my PII 400 I had to reduce the speed by only 2%.
Same problem.

I have an AMD 1.3 GHz, and I have tried using cpukiller, and all it does is make the game choppy and jittery and still too damn fast. Even when I get it down to like 5% of normal speed. I think I am just going to give up on trying to get it to run on the T-bird and install it on a 100 Mhz P1, what do you guys think?? Is 100 MHz and 32 MB Ram enough for this game to play well?
Re: Same problem.

Originally posted by Unregistered
I have an AMD 1.3 GHz, and I have tried using cpukiller, and all it does is make the game choppy and jittery and still too damn fast. Even when I get it down to like 5% of normal speed. I think I am just going to give up on trying to get it to run on the T-bird and install it on a 100 Mhz P1, what do you guys think?? Is 100 MHz and 32 MB Ram enough for this game to play well?

Should be great -- Privateer had a wonderful engine which would run at passable speeds on a 486/66!
100 mhz and priv2

100 mhz and 32mb of ram is fine to run privateer, u don't need no fancy 1.3 ghz processors, oh no!
Great to know. Thanx a lot for the input guys, I really appreciate it.
Originally posted by Unregistered
I have a question....
You said that Privateer 2 cannot run on a processor that is over 300 mhz, so now you use the cpukiller to slow down your cpu speed. You reduced your speed "by" 8%-12% meaning that your speed should still be well over 300 mhz. Did you mean reduced "by" or reduced "to?" I ask this because it affects my decision to purchase Privateer 2.

P2 runs fine on my Athlon 650. So this most likely is _NOT_ a speed issue per se. It more refers to some un known hardware/software conflict. Some (unknown) new parts seem to definitely worse the case. Most likely the soundcard is involved.
I got an old Awe32, non PnP here that might be why I don't have problems. Neither the BIOS nor Windows can mess with that one <g>

Regarding the 8-12%, that is entirely possible. I heared from people where a slowdow of 1% was enough. For some (most?) the mere presence of a slowdown util seems to be enough to reenable the b built in speed limiter of P2...
Privateer 2 DOS seems to be fine on my current system... but Privateer 2 Win95 needs a slowdown utility.
With my AMD Athlon 1333 MHz processor using about 20% slowdown with cpukiller gets about the right speed.