Privateer Tips, Tricks, & Secrets?

Can anyone tell me where to find the governor guy I'm supposed to kill in rf? 40,000 is a lot of credits!
Also I'm trying to get missions for the guy at oxford
so his friend will trust me I got the ones at perry naval base done but now i cant find anymore, any clues where these people are hiding?
BTW will I ever find out what these little zippy pod ships are? so far no one has mentioned a thing to me and I've killed 6 of them.
Yes, you will find out. Be patient.
For finding the governor: Hmm I don't recall exactly but don't you have to chase him through a few systems? I think he sets an ambush for you...
Originally posted by Matsu
Can anyone tell me where to find the governor guy I'm supposed to kill in rf? 40,000 is a lot of credits!
Also I'm trying to get missions for the guy at oxford
so his friend will trust me I got the ones at perry naval base done but now i cant find anymore, any clues where these people are hiding?

Finding Gov. Menesch isnt easy, but not hard either. During one of the plot missions, an informant located at Nexus minning base asks you for a few missions in return for some information. It is during this mission, he will provide some vital info in the whereabouts of Gov. Menesch. You have to complete at least 2 groups of missions ie: missions for Confed, Murphy, then the missions for Masterson at Oxford, where Masterson will contact that informant if you complete the Oxford missions and at least 2 others. Then the informant will meet with you. After the informants set of missions he gives you info in finding Gov. Menesch.

Question about Privateer time setting...

accordance to game intro it's suppose to be in 2669, and half a year later in RF, Confed is still in a state of war against the Kilrathi. According to the KSaga calender, the War ended some time in September '69.

And I recall the history subpage in Origin's first WC4 official homepage mentioned that Privateer was set in 2668.

Comments anyone?
Both Privateer and RF took place in '69... Privateer around January, RF later in the year. The setup for Privateer was in '68.
The Rightious Fire is aprox 1 year after Privateer. I would guess that the first Privateer is at the very begining of "69" or the tail end of "68". As to the conflicts in the timeline, that isnt exactly "news". There are alot of gaps and inconsistancies in the timeline vs the games and books.

Hi, I am also new to the message board. The only secret I have found is that guy that wipes out your record(haha), I always seemed to run into militia and kill them. Am I missing out in a huge secret or something? I've beaten Privateer and RF. Oh and for some reason when the people talk(I have the cd version by the way), I just hear loud static. Same with all the weopons except for the Fusion Cannons in RF. Can anybody help me? I've tried selecting every sound card setting I could try.

Now I play privateer all the time because I figured out how to get enough convetional memeroy free to play it(hehe).
what's up with all of these newbies and their "hehe"'s? :)

[Edited by Mav23 on 05-07-2001 at 20:09]
Welcome on board, pilot !!!!!!
The guy is Roman Lynch and is not an easter the payment for killing gov. menesch if you not kill him you must pay 100000 credits for erasing your record.
Try putting 16384 in the emm386, may be work.
Thanks a lot! It worked, now I can actually listen to a conversation without hearing any static. It's wierd hearing the other weapons too. You saved my not but anyways, thanks.
Originally posted by Ghost
Welcome on board, pilot !!!!!!
The guy is Roman Lynch and is not an easter the payment for killing gov. menesch if you not kill him you must pay 100000 credits for erasing your record.
Try putting 16384 in the emm386, may be work.

Actually its 200,000 credits and he will erase your records at any time, even prior to killing Gov. Menesch. Happy hunting!

Wing Commander just hates leader figures,, eh? The politicians are naive, the businessmen are corrupted and Admiral Tolwyn goes mad. Sigh.

By the way, speaking of leaders, who is the leader of the Confederation?
Confed has a senate (seen in WCIV) and an executive branch... with a president, vice president and various secretaries. The military, which controls a lot of Confed during and directly after the war, is headed by a Joint-Chiefs.
I wonder what would have happened if Tolwyn was bumped up to the Joint Chiefs, like Forstchen suggested in Price of Freedom.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
Confed has a senate (seen in WCIV) and an executive branch... with a president, vice president and various secretaries. The military, which controls a lot of Confed during and directly after the war, is headed by a Joint-Chiefs.

Is the executive branch still around in WC4, or was
it changed? I ask because it isn't visible in WC4.
Doesn't mean it's not there, but I would have expected
to at least have heard from the President if another
war was in the works.

Or maybe those guys seated at the front of the assembly
were the executive branch?


Brian P.